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Fit by Fidgetting

Starting a brand new #FridayFitness series of blog articles here focusing on folks like myself who are looking for a fitness routine that:

  • has *Beginner* level options
  • Is fun, with variety and encouragement
  • has a brain science component
  • is free
  • is easily accessible online (NOT ZOOM)
I have 2 suggestions for try-outs this week.  I will be incorporating these particular fitness variants into my own schedule this week and will report back next week.  

I sure would like to know what you think and how they work for you if you try them yourself.  

1. FIDGETTING as Fitness

Yes, you read that right.  Getting in touch with your Bored Inner Child is required.  (Just kidding-- sort of)

Dr. Andrew Huberman is a neuroscientist from Stanford University where he and his team primarily work to understand and develop improved functionality for congenital eye problems.  

Fortunately, Dr. Huberman is also not adverse to teaching laypeople everywhere about how our fascinating brain and connected systems work.

I follow him @hubermanlab on Instagram.

If you do not have an Instagram account, it is worth getting one just to connect with him.   Even just to hear about why subtle movements like jiggling your knees while you sit can produce amazing results in body fitness!  

I am purposely jittering and fidgetting this week.  Hear more about applying fidgetting this week and the potential results here

2. Practical Fitness Reps for Beginners

The second fitness try-out is with lovely soft-spoken Justin Agustin, also on Instagram.   He makes a pretty good workout gentle and fun to do... even adapts floor exercises to chair, couch and bed!  LOL  

Find him and his variety of specific focused sets (i.e., cardio, core, etc.) Here.

Eating for Health

As you have likely figured out from the recipes this blog site, my husband and I eat plant-based with more recent attention to food prep without salt, added oils, and refined sugars in the meals we prepare and eat regularly.  Referred to as SOS, this plant-based, whole food way of eating helps us prevent major health crises (heart disease, diabetes, High Blood Pressure, cancer, and keep down inflammation that leads to dis-ease in general.  

John and Ocean Robbins over at Food Revolution Network are definitely leaders in the plant-based, whole food movement and offer a free online summit and a super master class for individuals transitioning to the whole food, plant-based lifestyle.

I follow Dr. Michael Greger who makes regular videos on nutritional studies he reviews and posts them at  Check out Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen App if you are interested in a handy plant-based checklist of daily eats.

We also take some supplements.  My husband is most interested in that aspect and I let him do the research and purchase the supplements he thinks we need.  He likes Dr. Andrew Saul at doctor

** Illustration at top of page is a delicious plant-based wholefood snack-- recipe found HERE.  The wild rose is my daily pick for the fragrant oxygenation of my brain!


-Popular This Month-

Pan-Fry Carrots (Roast Carrot Sticks)

Pan-roasted carrots (with some potato fries mixed in) Our younger son grows organic vegetables, fruit and berries on an off-grid community farm in the interior of BC.  We stopped in to see him the other day and came away with a load of last year's carrots, still as carrot-y flavoured and plump as the day they were dug from the ground, thanks to the hill-side root crop storage cellar.   Our granddaughters opted for fish and chips today for lunch, and some of the 'chips' were carrot chips.  They are also a great base for a roast carrot soup.  When you roast veggies, you get extra delicious flavour. PAN-FRY CARROTS (Roast Carrot Sticks) <more properly called: Oven-fried> Wash and scrape carrots.  Chip or slice into strips, as desired. Preheat Oven to 425 degrees F. In a large bowl, combine: 1-2 T. Olive Oil 1 tsp.   Celtic Sea Salt 4-6     large straight Carrots , cut into chips or strips (as desired) Lay chips out on a cookie sheet

Hearty Cream of Tomato - Bean Soup - Vegan, Gluten-Free

If you have only ever eaten Cream of Tomato soup from a can, this will be a tasty coup for you! Here is another wonderful bean recipe adapted from my fave The Great Vegan Bean Book: More than 100 Delicious Plant-Based Dishes Packed with the Kindest Protein in Town! - Includes Soy-Free and Gluten-Free Recipes! .  This creamy tomato-bean soup will fill in the gaps for anyone who feels they just don't have the time or energy to cook up a healthy lunch -- the secret is to pre-cook your beans in a large quantity and freeze them.  Then just assemble your other ingredients and presto, you have a very nutritious base to your lunch in less time than it would take you to order and be served at your typical restaurant. And you will know what is actually IN this soup ! INGREDIENTS: 2 T.      Olive Oil or Vegetable Broth 1/2       Onion , minced 3 cloves Garlic 1 tsp.     Marjoram 1 tsp.     Thyme 1/2 tsp. Smoked Paprika 1/4 tsp. fresh or ground Rosemary 2 C.      no

Yummy 3-Ingredient Organic Breakfast Cookies

Organic Breakfast Cookies (rainbow effect thanks to a crystal on my kitchen window sill) You may already have come across these delicious breakfast cookies but thought: "hey, where's the good stuff? The sugar? The eggs? The fat?"  Well, the good stuff is all in the ingredients-- this is a whole food recipe which means we aren't using derivatives, we're using the real food, and it doesn't need to be gussied up with animal products to have incredible mouth appeal (that is what fatty, sugary, salty, custard-y textures and tastes contribute).  So, I say, try 'em and if you're disappointed, well, add some of the other ingredients... COOKIE INGREDIENTS (all organic and non-GMO) 3 well-mashed Bananas 1 C. Old-Fashioned Oat Flakes 1/4 C. Chia Seed Gel You can go with these 3-- pretty delicious by all counts-- or you can add in one or several of the following: 1/4 C. chopped Nuts (I like pecans) or Seeds 1/4 C. unsweetenened Coconut shre