
The tiny fossilized phytoplanton skeletons in Diatomaceous Earth are known as diatoms and are silica-rich particles. Silica is important in bone metabolism and the formation of our joints. It is also thought to be significant in the health and formation of connective tissues.

A study from 2007 in the Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging points to the good possibility that consuming a teaspoon (progressing up to a maximum of 1 tablespoon over time) of Diatomaceous Earth (DE) will help the body override the massive loss of bone density that is known as Osteoporosis, a so-called "Silent Killer" of our contemporary aging population.

 For more information about what you can do to avoid and overcome osteoporosis, check out the following sites:

Exercise is also a very important facet of maintaining good bone and joint health.  Keep moving!
