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The Lemon-Garlic Mixture Recipe that Chris Wark (Chris Beat Cancer) Recommends

My husband and I are both over 70, and while we have the odd age-expected ache or pain or fallen hair or swollen ankles or whatever, we have avoided many of the BIG Diseases: Heart Disease, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Arthritis, Cancer-- but we have had family with these diseases and there is a good chance that we will have something like this hit at some time.  That is the way of the world these days, is it not?

So, to be proactive and preventative, we believe that "Food is Our Medicine" and we adhere to a Whole Food/Plant-Based way of eating. We also watch a lot of those health seminars that mesh with our way of thinking that plants/herbs are the answer-- or at least our first rule of order when we feel ill.  We loved the Chris Beat Cancer series because, well, who wouldn't?  Chris is a charming young man with a friendly, compassionate mission to help others learn about how they too can beat cancer without (or only as a sideline) chemo or radiation.  In his Square 1 Coaching modules (FREE), Chris Wark continues to update and enhance solid scientific "alternative" information and answers to Cancer questions that trouble many of us when we-- or people we care about-- receive a cancer diagnosis. Go to the bottom of this blog to watch a short (not like some of those crazy hour-long info videos) presentation on the Square I program.  

Recently he talked about a lemon-garlic mixture that worked for one of his clients.  The friend took this mix every day for about 14 months-- worked up to taking 3 Tablespoons of the mix over the course of a day-- and at the end of the 14 months: NO TUMORS!

Well, we thought, if it is that powerful at killing tumors, it is certainly going to be powerful in preventing them in the first place? We are not doctors or scientists of any certification, but it seemed logical to us that this mix would be something we could happily build into our regular regimen every morning.
At first we tried to take it 'straight' on an empty stomach-- but just one teaspoon full of the mooshy sour-bitter liquid made me feel like I was going to have a heart attack.  I'm not kidding.

So, because we are allowing ourselves some license since we don't actually have tumors (that we know of) and decided that we would put the puree into our smoothies.  That has worked just great for us.  The lemony-garlic flavour really enhances the other flavours in a vital way, as strange as it might sound to have garlic in a Green Smoothie.


Okay, this is the worst possible pseudo-junk-science explanation you will ever get, but let's get on with the recipe okay?  You can look up the synergistic qualities of Lemons and Garlic elsewhere on the web.  I am just going to say that each of them-- the perky little citrus Lemon and the bold little garlic crowns-- pack a lot of antibioticphytonutrient punch.

Garlic contains the strong organosulphur compounds called Allcin (yes, sounds like the girl's name).  In a clinical trial, extracted allicin (i.e., the amount you would find in about 20 cloves of garlic) was shown to prevent the common cold.

The Lemon  is a powerhouse.  Vitamin C, fiber and various phytonutrients-- principally, Limonene, in the skin-- make for a fortress against some forms of Heart Disease, Kidney Stones, Anemia, Obesity and some of the compounds in lemons have been shown to "... prevent... malignant tumors from developing in the tongues, lungs and colons of rodents".  

So, yes, let's try this out.  If you have concerns, please do your due-diligence and speak to your trusted health provider.


*3 healthy, organic Lemons (small)

*6 Garlic crowns or however you think equal the weight of 3 lemons (you can weigh each).  The ideal is to have them be the same weight.

*Apple Cider Vinegar


1.  Immerse the lemons in water to cover, and add about 1/4 C. of Apple Cider Vinegar and put aside for the time that you will spend preparing the Garlic.

2.  Smash the garlic to make the peel go quickly. Yes it seems like a violent idea, but it really works to process the garlic quickly.  Then peel.  See the video below to see how chefs do it.  

See how Chefs Smash and Peel Garlic: 

3. Cut up the clean lemons into 1/4s or 1/8s.  Be sure to leave the skin on, but get rid of seeds.  They might be okay to consume, but they are SOOO bitter.

4. Put Lemons and Garlic in a high speed blender and blend until smooth and creamy.  You may need to add a little filtered water if your lemon is not very juicy.

5. Spoon the creamy mix into an ice cube tray.  Freeze.  Put into a medium size baggy and use one a day in your smoothie.  Or, you can just put the mix into a jar with a lid in the fridge and use a teaspoon per person each day.

Have Questions About Your Cancer Diagnosis? Looking for Hopeful Ways To Start This Journey? Chris Wark's Free 10-Module Coaching Program is a great place to start.


  1. Cooking the garlic will eliminate many issues. I find raw garlic in large quantities little bit too toxic for most people to tolerate. I Simply make it like jam preserves, with just whole pureed lemon and garlic, take it by the tsp full right from jar daily.


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