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Understanding Plantar Fasciitis: An Effective Guide to Nonsurgical Solutions

                                     Plantar Fasciitis-- the pain can affect you from head to toe... Although plantar fasciitis is a painful, sometimes debilitating, foot condition, there are effective exercises, natural treatments, and suggestions for healing without expensive orthotics or operations What is Plantar Fasciitis? Plantar fasciitis is a common foot ailment that affects many individuals, causing pain and discomfort in the heel and the bottom of the foot. This condition occurs when the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that connects the heel to the toes, becomes inflamed. The plantar fascia supports the arch of the foot and absorbs shock during activities like walking, running, and jumping. Here, we will explore who is prone to experiencing it, and provide a comprehensive list of non-surgical exercises and treatments that don't rely on expensive orthotics or operations. Standard Treatment Options Rest and Ice: Resting the affected foot and applying ice can help re

Butter Tart Oatmeal Porridge-- No Added Oils, Whole Food Plant Strong

THE SWEET BUTTER TART COMPONENT My husband and I both grew up in households where oatmeal was almost a daily occurrence on the breakfast menu.  Once we got over our rebellion against eating it (the it's-good-for-you), as adults we have begun to eat it pretty regularly again. We love it.  I also love sweet desserts-- cookies, cake, pie, tarts-- and have been experimenting to make healthier copy-cat recipes that can be incorporated into porridge-- for us, that's a win-win. For someone who likes desserts but is pretty "meh" about porridge, these dessert-ifications might just be the bump needed into the healthy habit of eating oatmeal.  Just how healthy is oatmeal? A 30-gram serving of well-cooked Steel Cuts oats gives your body a balance of 66% carbohydrates, 17% protein, 7% fat and 11% fiber. Oats are also an excellent source of manganese and molybdenum, a very good source of phosphorus and a good source of copper, biotin, vitamin B1, magnesium, dietary