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Showing posts with the label poet-og

Spring Lettuces, Fall Broccolli

Just a start to the 2024 Gardening year. Our son Conrad is staying with us for a while and gardening is his passion, so we are getting some help. Although he does tend to be as 'creative' and 'experimental' (maybe more so) than I am, so it means a lot of divergences from the regular plan to try fresh new things... so we shall see what we shall see. I have noticed, however, that our last month's grocery bill was HORRENDOUSly high-- so it will be important to get some actual everyday vegetables going so that we don't have to keep buying them in town. Carrots. Potatoes. Greens. Tomatoes. Squash. Fresh herbs. And, of course, quite a lot of berries and plums and cherries and strawberries. "We" also planted more (sour) cherries and some raspberries this year, but they probably won't happen until next year. I also want to plant a number of flowers. Our yard looks quite depleted and stark. Conrad has been pep-talking about the need for better soil and has