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Showing posts with the label chia seed

Delicious Lentil-Rice Flat Bread

 If you are a lover of "world"-style breads (as in, 'ethnic') you will love this recipe for gluten-free lentil-rice-chia flatbread. I promise.  When you are trying to follow a gluten-free lifestyle you know how frustrating it is to walk into a store and see all the yummy wheat-flour products that your mouth remembers so well... Yes, I have attempted to make many gluten versions of my fave wheat breads and buns, etc. When I am hungry enough, I can almost fool myself into believing that X tastes just like "real" bread.  And then there are all the 'store-bought' GF breads... let's just say that some are better than others. But they are expensive (ALL of them)and I ALWAYS think to myself that I could make a GF bread that was at least as good as "XYZ" if I just played around with the ingredients.  I am currently attempting to keep my diet GF, vegan, AND low yeast/low glycemic. Yes, you ARE lucky not to be me. And, YES, I did google it and ...

Butter Tart Oatmeal Porridge-- No Added Oils, Whole Food Plant Strong

THE SWEET BUTTER TART COMPONENT My husband and I both grew up in households where oatmeal was almost a daily occurrence on the breakfast menu.  Once we got over our rebellion against eating it (the it's-good-for-you), as adults we have begun to eat it pretty regularly again. We love it.  I also love sweet desserts-- cookies, cake, pie, tarts-- and have been experimenting to make healthier copy-cat recipes that can be incorporated into porridge-- for us, that's a win-win. For someone who likes desserts but is pretty "meh" about porridge, these dessert-ifications might just be the bump needed into the healthy habit of eating oatmeal.  Just how healthy is oatmeal? A 30-gram serving of well-cooked Steel Cuts oats gives your body a balance of 66% carbohydrates, 17% protein, 7% fat and 11% fiber. Oats are also an excellent source of manganese and molybdenum, a very good source of phosphorus and a good source of copper, biotin, vitamin B1, magnesium, dietary...

Good Summer Morning Chia Pudding

Here is a fast and easy Chia Pudding that is perfect for breakfast (or as dessert, etc etc etc).  Chia pudd fans will know what I mean...  .                               . The Recipe is pretty simple.  You can vary it as you like, but this combination is a winner at our home and I think we will continue to use this as a standard for a simple breakfast pudding. I start by gathering together the ingredients and a wide-mouth Mason Jar with a lid. The ingredients are: 1/4 C. Chia Seed 1/4 C . Liquid Honey (or other sweetener of choice) 1/2 tspn. Vanilla Extract 2 C. Soy Milk (or other non-dairy milk) Strawberries and Blueberries (or other fruit/berry combinations ) as you like            THE METHOD Put all the above ingredients (in order) into a quart-size Mason Jar ...