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Understanding Deep Vein Thrombosis: Risk Factors, Signs, and Management

Recently I heard that a family member in her early 50s was being seen by a doctor for DVT and that she was hoping that there was a more natural way of dealing with it than the medications her doctor was prescribing. When I had digested this scrap of family ''information,'' I thought about my own lax position (denial, really) and how it would make sense for me to make some changes in my life while I still have some shreds of health and potential fitness. And, of course, I have inherited my mother's compulsive pop reading habit (in my case, the Internet mostly). So, I decided to research and write an article that would incorporate some preventative and alternative health principles into my life that might make DVT somewhat less likely to catch up with me than is likely the case now. I would also like to see our family member above and others benefit from these principles if they decide that they want to. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a critical health concern that af

Vegan Blueberry - Lemon Bars

The harvest fruit is just pouring in these days, and the blueberries, sad to say, have pretty much reached the end of their season (thanks also to the little flocks of birds who make daily forays to the bush before and after I arrive). This yummy vegan dessert is a fruit swap for a recipe using strawberries (link below BLUEBERRY-LEMON BAR recipe).  I don't have any strawberries on hand, but I did have all the other ingredients + blueberries, so.... There is a magic ingredient that allows this vegan recipe to look and taste like a lemon bar made with eggs.  Well, maybe 2 magic (that is, unusual) ingredients depending on how hip you are in your vegan subbing and general gourmet exploration of the vegan life. RECIPE FOR VEGAN BLUEBERRY- LEMON BARS TOOLS and MATERIALS  * 8" x 8" square pan -- the original recipe author insists on this!  9"x9" is too big.  Won't work! *Parchment Paper to line the pan  * Lemon Squeezer.   I use an electri

Good Summer Morning Chia Pudding

Here is a fast and easy Chia Pudding that is perfect for breakfast (or as dessert, etc etc etc).  Chia pudd fans will know what I mean...  .                               . The Recipe is pretty simple.  You can vary it as you like, but this combination is a winner at our home and I think we will continue to use this as a standard for a simple breakfast pudding. I start by gathering together the ingredients and a wide-mouth Mason Jar with a lid. The ingredients are: 1/4 C. Chia Seed 1/4 C . Liquid Honey (or other sweetener of choice) 1/2 tspn. Vanilla Extract 2 C. Soy Milk (or other non-dairy milk) Strawberries and Blueberries (or other fruit/berry combinations ) as you like            THE METHOD Put all the above ingredients (in order) into a quart-size Mason Jar Whisk ingredients together until thoroughly mixed, paying attention to bottom sticky seeds

Blueberry-Carob Macaroon Oatmeal Porridge (Gluten-Free, Vegan)

When I asked my husband what he wanted for breakfast this morning, he said, "Well, seems like you're on a roll with those porridge recipes". Aha. So, a new recipe needed today. And thus, thanks to Google, here is my take on a carob-blueberry pudding porridge.  It's a little fussier in the making, but well-worth it (fussier in that it needs to be done in a couple of steps vs. just throwing everything together in a pot from the get-go). It smells soooo yummy as it cooks-- remember that chocolate was once known as "the poor man's carob".   This porridge will meet all your chocolate cravings, but with wonderful nutrients and none of the stimulants of  caffeine or theobromine found in chocolate.   Remember to use Gluten-Free Oats if you are sensitive to gluten and wheat. Ingredients: 1 C.     Steel Cut Oats 1/2 tsp. Salt  1/4 C.   Chia seed 1/2 C.  Coconut shreds 3 C.     Water 1/2 C.  Carob powder 1/4 C.  Fairtrade Raw Cane Sugar (I use Who

Organic Gardening in my Yard and Garden- Early June 2012

The following pictures are of aspects of our front, side and backyard that I have been working in/on.  Today was a splendid point-and-shoot picture-taking day. Ancient Apple Tree with Comfrey and Digitalis at its base attempting to nurse it back to wellness. This almost looks like it could be some cutesy flower box on Pinterest, doesn't it? It's really our deck step with weeds poking through-- shame, shame! Lupins in the sideyard where no one gets to see them-- therefore, do they exist? (next 2 pics also) Our expanded "Kidney garden" in the front... the multi-colored orange bark mulch was recentlly laid down and will, I hope, have more interesting features as time goes on.  Daylilies, catnip, irises, fragrant Asian lilies, lavender, and other stuff grows here.  In the mulched area is a fig  tree (bearing this year we hope) and an infant Azalea I bought last year at Canadian Tire.  It had a nice show of magenta blossoms in the earlier S