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Showing posts with the label baby bella mushrooms

Garlic Mushrooms - Vegan, GlutenFree

The other day a fellow commented that "a day without garlic is not much of a day at all!" I happen to agree with this statement and rejoiced when my husband brought home some mushrooms, because then we could have GARLIC Mushrooms!  Pity, my husband went for a long bikeride and missed the small batch that I cooked up today (I'm not all that mean-- there are still some fresh ones in the fridge for him to cook up for himself if he so chooses.)  You can find a photo of some browner mushrooms below-- yours are more apt to turn out like these. I think the mushrooms he brought home were Baby Bellas, a smaller take on Portobellas.  Did you know that Crimini are an even smaller version of Portobellas? In any case, they slice up rather raggedy and don't have that cute picture appeal when cooked that little white mushrooms do. But they taste very delicious... tender and with that umami taste-- "umami" is gourmet for "je ne sais quoi".  ...