The 12th Annual Tapping World Summit is online now (February 24 to March 4, 2020) If it is still on when you read this, you can click the image above to register free. TAPPING: Tapping on body meridians to deal with any number of issues and goals, from easing a recurring headache to becoming a confident, self-caring unstoppable on the way to success in all areas of your life, is not a newly introduced "energy medicine." But this is the first time I have done an article on it in some time, so if you are new to the concept, and curious how it works, here is a useful video to watch: Suggestions on How To Tap with Brad Yates After you get over the feeling that it is a woo-woo thing, you will understand when Brad says "The only silly thing about tapping is not doing it." The Tapping World Summit is the longest-running online "summit" or series of webinars of interviews with prominent experts in the Tapping Community. The Ortner family-- si...
Living the Green Life