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Showing posts with the label dulse

Salty and Sweet Strawberry Porridge

  My husband and I love oatmeal porridge for breakfast. Sometimes we change it up and add ingredients that are not traditional. Here are some great  Slow-Cooker porridges for example .   Today's Sweet and Salty Porridge with Strawberries  capitalizes on our rather eccentric but diverse tastes for combinations of flavours and textures.   Sometimes I get even more carried away, but today I decided against including nuts and bananas.  This porridge is, of course, Gluten-free and Vegan (no dairy, eggs or other animal products).   Begin with a medium to large pot with a close-fitting lid and add: Steelcut Oats (use the quantity you want for your family following directions on package-- use GF oats for those who are gluten-sensitive or have Coeliac disease) Water (cover the oats by about 1 1/2 inches or use the instructions on package) Organic Thompson Raisins (1/4 cup to handful, as you desire-- I went with the handful) 2 T. dry Chiaseed Pinch of Seasalt Optional: 1/4 C. Dulse broken in