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Understanding Deep Vein Thrombosis: Risk Factors, Signs, and Management

Recently I heard that a family member in her early 50s was being seen by a doctor for DVT and that she was hoping that there was a more natural way of dealing with it than the medications her doctor was prescribing. When I had digested this scrap of family ''information,'' I thought about my own lax position (denial, really) and how it would make sense for me to make some changes in my life while I still have some shreds of health and potential fitness. And, of course, I have inherited my mother's compulsive pop reading habit (in my case, the Internet mostly). So, I decided to research and write an article that would incorporate some preventative and alternative health principles into my life that might make DVT somewhat less likely to catch up with me than is likely the case now. I would also like to see our family member above and others benefit from these principles if they decide that they want to. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a critical health concern that af

Vegan Carrot-Spice Gluten-free Cookie Recipe

  Carrot-Spice Gluten-free Vegan Cookies Anyone fearful of missing out on Christmas baking because of gluten-sensitivity or CD is really in luck this year-- the internet is teeming with recipes for delicious gluten-free treats. As far as baked cookies go, this next recipe could be classified a "health cookie" (except maybe for the sugar?). Once your mouth gets over the fact that it is not your standard wheat molasses-type cookie, your taste buds say, "al-right!" It's a cookie of substance! 1 cup packed brown sugar 1/2 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) 1 cup shredded carrots 1 cup raisins or dried cranberries 1 egg substitute (mix 1 T. of ground  flaxseed with 3 T. of water until creamy) 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce (an apple+ in the Vitamix and whirl) 2 tablespoons molasses 1 teaspoon alcohol-free vanilla 2 1/2 C. brown rice flour 1/2 teaspoon of each of the following: cinnamon, ginger, coriander (ground) 1/2 teaspoon baking powder Christmas cards from Etsy--

Black Bean Brownies‐ vegan and gluten-free

  Yes these delightful-looking confections are Black Bean Brownies- moist, vegan (egg-free, gluten-free, dairy-free) There are several (thousand??) black bean brownie recipes on the web... this is my choice, an adaptation of the one by the  Happy Herbivore .  I use Maple Syrup (hey, I'm Canadian) instead of the agave syrup she uses. I also threw in some carob powder because it takes the edge off the bitterness of the cocoa, and is sort of like a light flour without actually being a flour (there are some who call chocolate "the poor man's carob" heheh). This is, in all, an easypeasy recipe and it tastes pretty good too: I used a Food Processor (you could also use a blender) Fit a sheet of parchment paper in the bottom of an 8"x8" cake pan, or grease it up.  Preheat the oven to 350F/180C Put the following into the food processor or blender carafe: 2 ripe, peeled Bananas, in chunks 1 15-oz. can of Black Beans (or 1 19-oz. can of Black Beans, drained of all flui

Recipe for Gluten-Free Psylly-Banana Raisin-Walnut Loaf-

  In today's gluten-free, plant-based variation of conventional banana loaf --"psylly-banana-raisin-walnut" loaf-- I use psyllium seed as a binder, and 1/2 cup of millet flour in place of the original recope's quinoa flour.  Psyllium husk is a great Replacer for the egg .  And as a source of healing for the gut, psyllium is a good starting ingredient for people with gluten-intolerance.  It can help reduce the symptoms of both constipation and diarrhea.   But when you are taking in psyllium, it is important to also take in sufficient fluids: milled psyllium husk has the potential to attract around 10X its weight in water and expands in a like proportion, so as with any dietary fibre, be sure to drink lots of water during the day (although not necessarily at the time you are eating).   Psyllium also does not have any pronounced flavour, which is a real bonus I think.  One simple gluten-free recipe that I have come across that uses psyllium is this video recipe for Ameri

Smokey White Bean Spread

  This thick tasty smoky white bean spread  is just super for a light topping on a veggie burger, or as a sandwich filler. Just a half a cup (125 grams) will provide you with 10.7 grams of dietary fibre, 14.6 grams of protein, and 0 saturated fat and cholesterol. Makes a nice switch from Hummus!  To read how to cook beans from scratch go  HERE . Ingredients: 3 C. / 537 g.         cooked White Beans  1/2 C. / 70 g         Raw Sunflower Seeds  1 tsp.                    Smoked Paprika 1/2- 1 tsp.             Liquid Smoke 1/2 - 1 tsp.            Sea Salt 1 tsp .                     Apple Cider Vinegar 1 tsp.                     Dijon Mustard-Gluten Free     1/2 C.                   Water 1/2 C.                   Nutritional Yeast METHOD: Add everything (except Nutritional Yeast) to Food Processor and process until smooth Add in a little extra water if it is too thick, and blend up with the Nutitritional Yeast It's delicious right away, but even more delicious if you refrigerate it over

Recipe for Gluten-free Bumbleberry Crisp

You can use any combination of berries you want in this crisp recipe (that is why they are classed as "bumbleberries").  The chopped apples provide pectin that gives it a nice gentle binding.  You can always add a little skiff of tapioca inside the fruit as you lay it down as well. (old prairie woman secret). Be sure to look for "gluten-free" on your oats package .  Many oats are grown, harvested, cleaned, or processed in close proximity to wheat and this "cross contamination" is  very problematic for anyone with more than a mild gluten sensitivity.   This oat farm-mill company   is run by a family with Celiac disease and looks like a safe, healthy source of oats. (you can see their video below this recipe) Ingredients: 2 1/2 cups fresh or frozen  blackberries 1 1/2 cups fresh or frozen  blueberries 1 cup fresh or frozen  strawberries 1 cup fresh  Apples,  chopped 8 tablespoons  organic cane sugar 3 1/2 cups  gluten-free oat flour  (I grind up oats in the

Vegan Banana-Carrot Pulp Muffin Tops

  Are you looking for a way to use up all that carrot pulp (besides composting) that comes as a result of juicing? Here is a delightful recipe for a soft gliten-free cookie/muffin top that is sweet and piquant and pretty healthy (as cookies go).   BEWARE: You must do the Flax Seed Egg Replacer about an hour in advance of the rest of the recipe. Ingredients: 3 C. organic Carrot Pulp      3 C. organic Quick Oats/Oat Flour Mix (I just throw the Oatmeal in the Vitamix) (I have also used part Quinoa flour-- also whirred up in my Vitamix )  1 T. Arrowroot Powder 2 tsp. Celtic Sea Salt 1  1/2 C. organic Cane Sugar (or similar sweetener) 2 tsp. Baking Soda 1 T. Cinnamon and or Pumpkin Spice 1 C. organic Thompson Raisins 1/2 bag frozen Cranberries 3 C. Mashed Bananas AND oil to top up (such as Olive Oil) OR Aquafaba 6 T. Flaxseed Egg-Replacer (*See recipe below) The Recipe: Flaxseed Egg-Substitute 1/2 cup flaxseed 1 1/2 cup water Directions: Grind flaxseed to a fine powder in an electric coffe

Haystacks-- A Simple, FIlling, Delicious Vegan Salad

This is an Indian styled Haystack Salad courtesy Wikipedia When I became a Seventh-day Adventist I was introduced to "keeping the Sabbath", the wonderful Biblical perspectives around Heaven, the beautiful teachings of Jesus, and a fast, delicious salad called "Haystacks".  It's a sort of vegetarian taco or Mexican salad, so you know it's comfort food.  And it can certainly be quickly made to be a gluten-free meal. The invention of haystacks is often credited to Ella May Hartlein, in the 1950s. Hartlein, a Seventh-day Adventist, apparently was unable to find, in their new Iowa home town, the freshly-made Mexican tostatos her family craved.  So  she collected together some of the individual ingredients and the family members choice their preferred items for their salad pile (or haystack).   The haystack is a popular potluck item at various church events.  It has evolved to become representative of other ethnic flavors as well (ex.  the Hawaiian or Indian h

Quick Gluten-free Oat-Buckwheat Cookie Recipe

  When you make these delicious gluten-free oat-buckwheat cookies  you wiĺl need to use a light and fluffy buckwheat flour made from dehydrated buckwheat crispies .  Make your own crispies-- easy peas y or buy puffed buckwheat from a health store or Amazon . For this cookie recipe, Step 2 is to grind up the crispies in a coffee bean grinder into a fine flour (you can actually grind the dehydrated groats in your high speed blender into a flour as well if you don't want to soak and dehydrate your buckwheat).  These make a fine, sweet, substantial, fairly soft cookie.  If I'd had any GF chocolate chips around, I would have added them! Preheat oven to 350F. Put the following into a Food Processor: *1/2 C.  Virgin Coconut Oil  (doesn't have to be melted) *1 C. Granulated  Sweetener (I used a combination of Palm Sugar & Stevia) *1  Vegan Egg  (1 T. Flax seed, ground, and mixed into 3 T. warm water) *1 tsp.  Vanilla *1 C.  Buckwheat Crispie  "Flour"  (Crispies groun

Buckwheat Crispies (Dehydated Buckwheat Groats)

You have likely run across the benefits of a living and raw vegan diet for anyone who is gluten-sensitive or has celiac disease.   The major benefit is that raw fruits and veggies are chock-full of enzymes that help with the digestion of food, and generally, grains like wheat are totally missing from the diet because, well, they are highly acid-producing, have nasty-tasting 'inhibitors' in their bran, and just don't add anything to the deliciousness of the raw vegan experience.   As well, many writers of raw and living food recipes discovered their own sensitivity to gluten.  So, a good food dehydrator like the  Excalibur  is a great boon to broadening your gluten-free recipe repertoire. The amazing thing about raw recipes  is that many of them can be made up to similulate the flavor, texture, and other elements of "mouth appeal" that we look for in traditional heated recipes.  I'm just starting to use buckwheat crispies in various recipes.  You can too!  Belo

Yummy Garlic Soy Curls

 I finally tried soy curls!  They are not available to us locally-- and I do like to buy my groceries locally-- so I ended up ordering them .   I topped two pizzas and made 3 sandwiches for about $7.50 CAD using about $4.50 of Soy Curls product for the 2 pizzas and maybe $1 of soy curls for each sandwich.   They are a whole food and non-GMO.  I didn't count in the cost of other ingredients, but I don't see them as being too dear when considering they were a nutritious part of six meals.  They were easy to put together and delicious!  Pizza GARLIC SOY CURLS RECIPE Ingredients: (makes 2 cups) 4 ounces/ 1/2 8-oz. Bag Soy Curls 1 1/2 cups hot/boiling water 1 tablespoon/15 ml soya sauce 1 teaspoon/ 3.28 g garlic powder Extra virgin coconut oil 2 tablespoons/11  g  nutritional yeast Fine sea salt ............... From Chris Wark of #ChrisBeatCancer, his latest best selling book:  Order Here BEAT CANCER KITCHEN: Deliciously Simple Plant-based Anti-Cancer Recipes METHOD for making G