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Understanding Deep Vein Thrombosis: Risk Factors, Signs, and Management

Recently I heard that a family member in her early 50s was being seen by a doctor for DVT and that she was hoping that there was a more natural way of dealing with it than the medications her doctor was prescribing. When I had digested this scrap of family ''information,'' I thought about my own lax position (denial, really) and how it would make sense for me to make some changes in my life while I still have some shreds of health and potential fitness. And, of course, I have inherited my mother's compulsive pop reading habit (in my case, the Internet mostly). So, I decided to research and write an article that would incorporate some preventative and alternative health principles into my life that might make DVT somewhat less likely to catch up with me than is likely the case now. I would also like to see our family member above and others benefit from these principles if they decide that they want to. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a critical health concern that af

Gluten-free Apple Cobbler

There are a few of us who are eating gluten-free at our Church and today's recipe, absolutely delectable finger-lickin good gluten-free apple cobbler is a great contribution to that-- or just as a family treat.   The trick will be to keep it away from all the people who can indulge in wheat desserts (like brownies, etc.) so that the gluten-free eaters at least get a chunk to sample at our Church and today's recipe, absolutely delectable finger-lickin good gluten-free apple cobbler is a great contribution to that-- or just as a family treat. The trick will be to keep it away from all the people who can indulge in wheat desserts (like brownies, etc.) so that the gluten-free eaters at least get a chunk to sample. INGREDIENTS 6 medium/ 10 small organic  Apples 1/2 C.  Sugar 4 tsp  Cinnamon 1/3 C.  Extra Virgin Coconut Oil 1 1/2 C.  Rice flour** 1/2 C.  Coconut Flour 2 C. organic  Sugar 2 tsp  Baking Powder 1/2 tsp  Sea Salt   2 C.  Rice milk or  other non-dairy milk METHOD Cut

Keto Flex Recipe: Salted Almond Butter Cup Snack

This is a Keto Flex SNACK, which means it doesn't actually work as a lunch, but if you can stop at one or two of these delicious little salted almond cups , you will have energy and burn off some fat. Of course I had planned to make some peanut butter snacks, but I found out that the recipe I had called for "peanut flour" which I did NOT have, so.... I DID have an untried, unopened jar of a powder called PB & Me Powdered Almond Butter .  Since its original use is as an almond butter, but it is also a powder (as in flour?) so I thought... well, you know.... recipe experiment time!  (You can still use the plain old almond butter if you want) I am happy to say that the recipe worked out just fine! Yummy-licious in fact. WHAT YOU NEED FOR THIS RECIPE: Parchment Paper Liners or candy cups 2 Muffin Tins 9-10 oz. dark chocolate (I used  Lily's Dark Chocolate Chips- 1x9 OZ  ) 3 T. Coconut Oil ( divided in 2 for the chocolate layers) 2 tsp. Cocon

Slap Dash Facebook Christmas Shortbread, GlutenFree or Regular Unbleached Flour Cookies

  Okay, this is a bit of an experiment (much of my baking is, alas) since I don't have the necessary ingredients as per my preferred recipe via google. So.... I begin by: (1) Boiling a small potato (peeled, cut in half) -- sounds goofy, but I learned about using spuds in all sorts of dessert recipes from a recipe book I brought back from Newfoundland and gave to my sister-in-law years ago-- wonder if she ever tried any of the spud recipes? (2) Cream together about 1 C. of Coconut Oil, 1 C. of Coconut Sugar, and the soft boiled spud (okay- the heck is boiled out of it-- no vitamins here, folks, just starch) Let's see if these become shortbread or just some yukky mess with potato in it.... if they are worth re-producing, I will silver-wrap you about 6 teeny little cookie gems-- the way they parcel them out in gluten-free sample shops... I'm just that exquisite with my baking... (sarcasm emoji) The stupid potato isn't really boiling-- what's with that? Put so

Organic Chickpea and Carrot Curry Soup - Vegan and Gluten-Free

  Organic Chickpea and Carrot Curry Soup Quite often I decide what to cook based on what I have in the fridge -- what veggies are malingering, waiting their turn, feeling left-out?  What precious sauce did I make a couple of days ago that is only half-eaten? Did my husband mention something about wondering what I had planned for those carrots?  That is how tonight's organic chickpea and carrot curry soup came about-- the bag of carrots that were starting to go a little brown on the tips... oh, and all those delish chickpeas that I cooked up the other day that I partly used for that yummy Avocado-Chickpea Hummus ...   INGREDIENTS 2 T. Coconut Oil 1 medium Onion , chopped 2 cloves Garlic , chopped fine 1/2 tsp. organic Curry powder (I used Mild, you pick your own bite) 1/2 tsp. Cumin seed, ground in the coffee grinder 1 thumb-to-the-joint piece of Ginger , grated 6 Carrots , chopped 2 C. pre-cooked Chickpeas/Garbanzo Beans (or 1 15-oz. can, rinsed) 5 C. Wa

Lentil Bowl #4: Savory Middle East Lentil Stew

Savoury Middle East Lentil Stew This is a quick-to-put-together comfort food for cool winter days or nights, as long as you have the Quinoa (or Rice) and Red Lentils pre-cooked.  A green salad and a piece of fresh flat bread will round it out nicely.  I've made it a little more "world" foodie than actual Middle Eastern, but you can always sub Brown Rice for the Quinoa and Cayenne and Paprika for the Chipotle (I just love the smoky hot quality of Chipotle if you are wondering why it turns up in so many recipes).  I also use Coconut Oil instead of Olive Oil, but please use what you have available, or what you prefer.  If you have other veggies that you would like to saute up with the onions (bell peppers, egg plant, minced garlic), go ahead!  Enjoy! INGREDIENTS: 1 T. Coconut Oil   2 Onions , chopped fine  1 tsp.  Turmeric powder 1 tsp. ground  Cumin  (I grind the seeds up in a Coffee Bean grinder-- you could just buy the powder) 1 tsp. ground  Cinnamon

Lentil Bowl #3- Mexican Red Lentil Stew with Lime and Cilantro

Lentil Bowl #3- Mexican Red Lentil Stew with Lime and Cilantro over Oven Baked Potato Sticks (Serves 8-12, and can be halved). INGREDIENTS: 2 C. Red Lentils   4 C. Water   2 T. Coconut Oil   2 Onions, chopped fine (I did mine in Food Processor)  2 C. Celery , finely chopped (also did in Food Processor)  1 Red Bell Pepper , seeded and chopped  1-2T Garlic , minced (for DIY jar mince, go here  )  1/2 tsp. ground Turmeric   2 tsp. ground Cumin (grind the seed in a Coffee Bean Grinder)  2 tsp. Chipotle spice (or Chili Powder)  2 cans roasted tomatoes or Organic Roma Tomato Sauce (Costco)  2 C. Vegetable Broth   Celtic Sea Salt to taste  1/2 C. fresh-squeezed Juice of Lime   1+ C. chopped fresh Cilantro   METHOD:    Put rinsed and drained Lentils into a medium pot and add 4 cups water. Bring just to a boil, turn heat off, and put lid on. Let lentils sit for 30 minutes.   While lentils sit for 30 minutes, chop onions, celery and red bell pepper.