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Easy Vegan Almond Plum Cake

  This is a recipe for an easy-to-make vegan almond plum cake.  I started out wanting to make an eggless almond yeast cake with Italian plums planted in it like the cake I remembered from my days as a daughter-in-law to a German-born Hausfrau (German-born AND a Lutheran Pastor's daughter). But my husband said he didn't particularly like the yeast cake. So, I found several recipes for vegan almond cake and this one most perfectly suited my available ingredients.  I baked the cake in an 8'' x 8''  pan with parchment paper on it, in a counter oven. You could easily double the recipe and make it in a long pan in a regular oven.  Preheat the oven to bake (350 F. for a large oven or 375 for a countertop oven) 1. Mix together in a measuring cup: 1/2 cup of soy, almond or other milk Juice of 1/2 lime, or lemon, or a teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar (Leave it to curdle for about 15 minutes and then add in  1/2 cup of maple syrup 1 teaspoon of Almond extract and stir to co

Make your own Haramaki to Keep Your Kidneys Happy All Winter Long...

  Kidneys from "Dreamstime"  In 16th Century Japan, Samari warriors wore a haramaki-- a tight fitting piece of woven armor over their lower abdomen-- stomach, kidneys and other organs were somewhat protected.  Today's haramaki has little in common with the military wraps. In Japan there is a burst of the haramaki on the fashion scene. It is generally a tube that is knit or woven to fit over the abdomen and takes various aesthetic forms, textures and colors.   Keeping Your Core Warm Take 3 minutes to watch this video that will tell you about the benefits of kidney warmers: Along with the fashion surge, there is a recognition in Asia and cold-weather countries in Europe and North America, that the haramaki offers a solace for the kidneys and other organs in the abdomen. The haramaki (or "kidney warmer", "kidney wrap" or "core warmer"-- some of the many names it is called) will boost circulation, which is a great boon for warmth and health. It i