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Understanding Deep Vein Thrombosis: Risk Factors, Signs, and Management

Recently I heard that a family member in her early 50s was being seen by a doctor for DVT and that she was hoping that there was a more natural way of dealing with it than the medications her doctor was prescribing. When I had digested this scrap of family ''information,'' I thought about my own lax position (denial, really) and how it would make sense for me to make some changes in my life while I still have some shreds of health and potential fitness. And, of course, I have inherited my mother's compulsive pop reading habit (in my case, the Internet mostly). So, I decided to research and write an article that would incorporate some preventative and alternative health principles into my life that might make DVT somewhat less likely to catch up with me than is likely the case now. I would also like to see our family member above and others benefit from these principles if they decide that they want to. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a critical health concern that af

Recipe for Strawberry Crispies

  Here's another recipe prepared the "raw vegan" way using the recipe for  Buckwheat Crispies  .  This is particularly soothing for kids who miss having their traditional gluten-laden breakfast cereals... Buckwheat crispies are a good source of fibre, manganese, tryptophan, and magnesium. Ingredients: 2 Cups of  Buckwheat Crispies 3 C. Sliced  Strawberries 1 1/2 C. your favourite gluten-free  Mylk  (I used  So Delicious  Coconut Milk-- yum!) 1 Sliced Ripe  Banana Put 2 C. of strawberries in the food processor or blender, and add the Milk.   Blend until pink and creamy (and soooooo fragrant, like summer!) Divide the buckwheat crispies into 4 bowls (1/2 C. each) Pour the Strawberry Mylk over each bowl Top with sliced strawberries and bananas  (and anything else wanted: dried fruit, hemp nuts, other fresh fruit) Enjoy!

Raw, Gluten-Free Nanaimo Bars

It is Christmas season, of course, so please forgive my divergence from strictly "healthy" fare... one could argue that I have used high anti- oxidants (raw cacao powder), enzyme-dense sweetening (raw honey), and organic extra virgin coconut oil (among all the other organic ingredients) and therefore, this is a healthy little morsel-- but we both know that that is stretching it a bit!  But it is DELICIOUS and I am guessing that it is healthier than the non-vegan version, and definitely there is no gluten in this recipe.  Scroll down for the history of the Nanaimo bar.  Enjoy, and Merry Christmas! I used a recipe for raw Nanaimo bars found at the (former) RawBC site, but I like raw honey better than agave, and I didn't have almonds, so used walnuts.  I soaked both the Macadamia nuts and the Walnuts.  The base layer is my least favourite, maybe because I am not particularly fond of Macadamia nuts?  If I were to do it over, I would use all almonds for the base, and I am conv

Lemon-Tahini Salad Dressing

We had a wonderful zesty lemon-tahini dip with a veggie wrap served in a local eatery.  This is my facsimile:   Blend together:  1/2 cup fresh lemon juice  1/3 cup apple cider vinegar (raw)  5 Medjool dates, pitted  1/2 teaspoon ginger powder  2 tablespoons Miso (or 1/2 tsp. salt)  1/3 cup raw tahini  1/2 to 1 cup cold filtered water (to the thickness you like)   Use as a dip for wraps, chips, or crudites, or a salad dressing as above.

Bucky Raw-nola Recipe

  This was our son's first foray into creating a densely-nutritious, sweet and crunchy delicious raw (dehydrated) granola.   Soak the following individually in water to cover: 2 C. Buckwheat groats 1 C. Sunflower Seeds 1 C. Thompsons Raisins 1/2 C. Pumpkin Seeds Soak overnight, drain, and rinse and soak for another 8 hours, except for the raisins.  Drain and rinse the raisins and dehydrate for 8 hours at 105 degrees F.  Add the buckwheat and the seeds to the raisins and dehydrate for about 8-12 hours at 105 degrees. Add the following: 1/2 C. Dehulled Hempseed 1/2 C. organic unsweetened shredded Coconut 1 tsp. organic Cinnamon The sprouting and the dehydrating both add to the natural sweetness of the granola so no extra sweeteners need to be used If you enjoyed this buckwheat recipe, you might also like one of the following buckwheat recipes: Buckwheat Crispies  GF Cookie Crumb Brownies, Gluten-Free Strawberry Crispies, GF Cereal Quick Buckwheat-Oat Cookies , GF To your living heal

Raw Kale Chips Recipe-- vegan, gluten-free

This is a delicious little snackfood  that needs to be considered a "treat"  vs. an everyday staple of the raw diet.   As with many "raw" recipes, it will be necessary to dehydrate the Kale to obtain that near-the-traditional (cooked)-thing mouth appeal.  I bought myself an  Excalibur dehydrator  early on in my raw food experience but any brand will do, and if you absolutely must have the chips,  even an oven will work -- preheat your regular oven to 140 degrees Fahrenheit/60 degrees Celsius or the lowest setting, and spread out your chips on parchment paper on cookie sheets.   Put them into the oven with the door slightly propped open with a butter knife or chopstick.  Your chips (or other dehydrated foods) will take a long time to dry satisfactorily this way and it is not an environmentally friendly method, so use it sparingly, and you will likely want to invest in a dehydrator with a timer pretty soon into the process. Tools I use for the process: * Coffee Bean G

Raw Sweetheart Chocolate Cheezcake

   Lots of hugs and kisses! INGREDIENTS: Crust: 2 cups  shredded Coconut 1 1/2 cups  Medjool Dates  (or other pitted dates) 1/4 - 1/2 tsp  Celtic Sea Salt The Cheeseless Cheez Cake Filling: 3 cups  Cashews , soaked (you can substitute other soaked nuts such as pine or macadamia nuts) 1 cup  Cacao butter , melted 1 cup  Water 1/2 cup  Maple Syrup, Raw Honey or other sweetener of choice 1/2 cup  Cacao powder  OR  Carob powder 1 tsp  Vanilla 1 Tbsp  Chia Gel pinch of  Celtic Sea Salt Ganache Topping: 1/2 cup raw organic  Cacao powder 1/2 cup  Cacao Butter , melted 1/4 cup  Maple Syrup, Raw Honey or other sweetener of choice pinch of  Celtic Sea Salt Place your cacao butter in a bowl over hot water to start melting. In food processor, process coconut, dates and salt until it clumps uniformly.  "Grease" a springform pan with some of the  melted cacao butter. Remove the crust mix from the food processor and press it evenly in pan. Place in freezer to set while you make the rest of

Lemon-Almond Cheezcake

In my continued search for the perfect tasting & textured raw vegan “cheesecake” I put this one together last night.  I drew on a couple of recipes, using some of my own fave ingredients (chia seed gel) and substituting a date-nectarine-coconut pudding I’d made a couple of nights before for the date paste that was called for in another recipe’s pie crust. It is unlikely that you will have all the ingredients for this raw vegan creation on hand, but it is really worth making as a project for a potluck or dinner with your mother-in-law.   It is very “wow” and healthy. INGREDIENTS 5 C. raw organic/natural  almonds,  soaked for 5-8 hours, husked so they look like “blanched almonds” 2-4 T.  Chia seed gel  (put 2-4 T. Chia seed in a jar with a cup or more of filtered water, stir, and let gel for about 15 minutes before using.  Store extra in fridge with lid on.) 5 T.  date paste  or something like it made from soft, ripe medjool dates (pitted) Pinch of  Celtic Sea Salt 1 C. organic  Lemo

Delicious, Healthy Raw Vegan Pizza

  I was chafing at the  at the bit to make this raw vegan pizza as we drove home from a Camp Meeting on a Sunday night several years ago.  At this time in my life I had been making up a variety of raw/living ‘recipes,'any based on my previous non-raw favorite recipes.   At Camp there had been salads and raw fruit and veggies with most meals, but that was pretty much it for “raw” and the salads were cafeteria salads… there probably wasn’t anything organic or the sort of fresh that I grew for the two of us out of our small garden plot. The following recipe is a fabulous Pizza recipe that can be found in Paul Nison’s book  Health According To The Scriptures . It is actually the size of a cooked pizza that my husband and I used to demolish in one sitting, no problem, but the one here is so hearty, so full of flavour and textural variety and fiber, that it truly does feed up to eight people who are committed to getting lots of nutrition from smaller quantities. RAVE FOR THE CRUST:  If y

Garlicky Raw Vegan Flax Crackers

The following “raw” flax crackers (they are dehydrated at 115 degrees F. over a lengthy period of time…. until you think they are crisp or chewy enough for you…18-24 hours)  have 6 cloves of organic garlic in them. You can vary that, as you can all the additions to the basic flax seeds. Yeah, I like garlic. I like garlic a lot.  I like its astringent pinnng and its heady fragrance. It’s also very good for you because of the natural antibiotic effects of its constituents. So, start by soaking in filtered water, for 12 hours: 4 Cups of organic  Flaxseed  in a Large Mixing Bowl 1 Cup of natural, raw  Almonds  in another bowl After you have done this, then drain the almonds and spin them up in the Vitamix along with the following: 2 large, juicy, ripe, organic  Tomatoes 3 stocks of organic  Celery 6 cloves of organic  Garlic 3 medium organic  Carrots 1 small organic  Zucchini 2 T.  dried Italian herbs OR handfuls of fresh herbs such as Rosemary, Basil, Oregano, Chives, Parsley , etc. (to t

Garlicky Guacamole

This quacamole is another one of my garlicky recipes.  You might want to adjust it a little to suit your tastes and circumstances! Combine together in a large bowl: 4 ripe chopped (or mashed)  Avocado 6 fresh-grated organic  Garlic  cloves 1/2 organic  Sweet Red Pepper , chopped fine 1 large ripe-ripe organic  Tomato , chopped 1/2 thumb-size organic  Ginger root piece , grated Celtic Sea Salt  or natural Dulce Flakes, to taste The power is in the  fresh grated garlic …. use as much as you like (or dare). If the person you are chatting with across the table is also eating this, neither of you will find the other offensive..hehehe. Tip for keeping the Guacamole Green …. slip a pit from one of the avocados in with the guacamole– remove at serving time. Goes great with dehydrated flax crackers or corn chips, etc. Eat in tandem with  Mango Salsa  and other luscious fruity summer dishes. To your living health! *image from pixabay Please note that I am an affiliate for many of the products an

Mango Salsa

This mango salsa been a big hit at the Sabbath potlucks. It is an adaptation of the one on “Gone Raw”. Combine in a large bowl: 3 ripe large  Mangos  (or 6 ripe peaches, nectarines, etc.), chopped up Handful of minced fresh organic  Cilantro 16  Cherry Tomatoes , chopped up 1 organic  Red Sweet Pepper , chopped up 1/2 organic  Purple Onion , chopped up Juice of 2-3 organic  Lemons Celtic Sea Salt  (to taste) Cayenne , just a blessing with it (tiny sprinkle) (or not)

Sensationally Cheezy Zucchini Chips/Crackers

I still get rave reviews for the Kale Chips whenever I make the suckers and take them to potlucks or family functions... but easier to make, less messy and just as yummy are Zucchini Chips. I use the same sauce recipe (with adjustments for less liquids) that I use for the Kale Chips-- the 'cheezy' flavour is from the Nutritional Yeast-- the smoky undertones a  I use my trusty old dehydrator, but you could use your oven). Cool days today are the kind of days I choose to make these chips-- I just have more energy and the house doesn't get warm from the dehydrating as it does on really hot days and nights. Have fun!  Following are the ingredients to assemble to make the Zucchini Chips: *3 large  Zucchini , or several smaller ones *3/4 C.  Tahini  OR 3/4 C. of raw  Sesame Seeds *1/4 C.  Water *1/4 C.  Tamari  OR  Bragg's Liquid Soy Seasoning (Gluten-free) *1/3 C. Apple Cider Vinegar *2-3 minced  Cloves of Garlic *Pinch of  Celtic Sea Salt *Other seasonings that li

Blueberry Nice Cream on Raspberry Chia Pudding

Blueberry Nice Cream on Raspberry Chia Pudding If you follow the recipes on Organic Granny (you can do that on this site itself, or by joining the group on Facebook called Organic Granny Veggie Recipes ) you will know that I have a longstanding relationship with chia seeds .  These high protein, high omega3 tiny seeds just happen to be the base for many of my dessert recipes-- either as a primary content or as a binder-- and some other recipes as well.  I sometimes make up something called Chia Gel-- basically, chia seeds gelled in water-- and keep it on hand in a mason jar in the fridge.  I often use the gel as a base for the puddings.  You can find out more about the chia gel and how to use it HERE .  Find more recipes at the base of this recipe post. RASPBERRY CHIA PUDDING INGREDIENTS: 2 Cups Organic Chia Gel (make ahead of time, up to 24 hours) 1/4 Cup Organic Raspberry Jam or Jelly (vegan is preferred - or blend and sweeten ripe fresh or frozen berries) 1 Cup Non-d