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Showing posts with the label crispy rice treats

Day 8 of 10 Days of Christmas Crafts and Gluten-free Christmas Cookies

A traditional Christmas craft that is the epitome of recycling is making decorative gifts and crafty items using last year's Christmas cards. YoyoMax shows how to do some beautiful bookmarks. I am definitely going to take some of my glut of old cards and fold some of these.   (Video is below the following image) These are particularly handy if you are giving books away as gifts-- putting a beautiful bookmark into the book makes the gift just that extra little bit special.  You can even use these lovely bookmarks as fancy gift tags!  YoyoMax also has other Christmas card crafts that she tells about at the end of the video. Everybody's fave: Gluten-Free Crispy Rice Treats!  To be a truly gluten-free treat at this time it is necessary to purchase 'brown rice treats' because, for some reason, the white crispy rice products must all contain malt, which is made from gluten-containing barley!  Perhaps this will change at some point (check the labels) but not in 2019, And... if