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Showing posts with the label biodynamic bibliography

Is Biodynamic Gardening something religious?

I have a son who is well-versed in biodynamic growing... I wanted to pass this blog entry along from because they give a pretty good explanation of some of what biodyamic is and isn't: "It is important to understand that biodynamics is a way of gardening or farming. It is not a religion, or a faith, but a proven way of getting higher yields of high quality crops. There is evidence that it works and I suggest the curious look at “The Biodynamic Sowing and Planting Calendar 2009 by Maria Thun and Matthias K. Thun where they will find evidence of ongoing trials. This is the best moon planting calendar and includes details of planting trials. Please note: moon planting is based on ASTRONOMY and NOT astrology as some critics suggest. I have used the above moon planting calendar for many years. I can’t prove whether it works or not in the ’scientific’ sense because I have never done any double blind trials. What I can say is that people have remark...