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Showing posts with the label plant-strong

Maple-Brown Sugar Glazed Tofu - Vegan, GlutenFree

Maple-Brown Sugar Glazed Tofu is a gift to you if you enjoyed ham as a part of your celebrations back in the day and were feverishly looking for a recipe online that gives you back some of that experience.  You will be missing the salt-piercing tongue paralysis of a cured ham, but you will also be missing the very dangerous cholesterol.  Tofu is the way to go if you want to enjoy a piece of "sham" with your Christmas or Thanksgiving.  And for those of you with religious proscriptions, it's CLEAN-- it's not even meat.  So win-win. Want to know MORE about the health benefits of Tofu? Watch Dr. Michael Greger's videos HERE .  So here we go with the INGREDIENTS (3 ADULT SERVINGS) 1# Block of Organic, non-GMO, EXTRA FIRM Tofu (bought mine at Costco) 1/2 C. Pure  Maple Syrup OR Blackstrap Molasses (Molasses gives a darker glaze) 1/2 C. Brown Sugar 1 T. Dijon Mustard 1/4 tsp. Cinnamon 1/2 tsp. Ginger Powder Salt and Pepper to taste (May w...

The NEW Canada Food Guide: Cultural Dilemma to Life With Less Meat?

The Canada Food Guide was developed during World War II when there were disruptions to the general lifestyle and economy and it was felt that there needed to be some sort of "rules list" to ensure for a healthy populace.  The Depression that followed World War I with crop failures and stock market plunges and job scarcity no doubt had some input into the formation of the 1942 Food Rules . If you grew up, like I did, in the Prairies in the 50s and 60s, you might not be unfamiliar with the following sort of plate (meatloaf=protein, potatoes and corn=vegetables-- there was likely a slice or two of bread and butter on a side plate, and maybe some canned peas or such, and likely a dessert that contained the necessary dairy and maybe some raisins to represent fruit.  If you were a kid, a glass of milk was generally served at the same meal if your parents were intent on "building your bones".): Perhaps you see the same plate on your table today.  I am not criticizin...

Lemon-Coconut Oatmeal Porridge (Sugar-Free, No Poured Oils, Plant-Strong, Vegan)

Recently I was at a social function where I found myself hanging over the dessert table and "sampling" more than one delicious Lemon-Coconut Square.   In my opinion, these "dainties" (what sugar-y confections at "Teas" were called in my youth) are the creme-de-la-creme of the dessert table.   But.... as much as I enjoyed them, I felt like a huge fraud, since (1)I am working to lose inches and (2)I profess to be vegan.  The eggs, fat and sugar in these Lemon-Coconut Squares are not dangerous in moderation, but if you eat 3 squares/bars, you are taking in something like 30 g of fat (saturated and unsaturated), as well as 450 calories of energy.   So, I went searching for a recipe that would allow me to enjoy the essence of this lovely dessert, while being low in fat and calories, and higher in nutritional benefits. Voila!  The Lemon-Coconut Porridge Recipe was born-- or REBORN maybe, in a vegan form. Start by making a fabulous VEGAN LEMON CURD ...

Cranberry-Orange-Chia Muffin Recipe, Vegan, Whole Food, Delicious!

Cranberry-Orange-Chia Muffin Recipe Back in the day when people arrived at your door with baked muffins (does that happen any more?) I remember replicating a delectable recipe for orange-date muffins that involved cutting up a whole orange-- skin and all-- and putting it in my blender with those dates that came in hard little blocks from the Co-op, and of course, sugar, eggs, raisins, and oil and probably milk. I got a craving for that fruity, yummy muffin.  I wondered if such a recipe existed for a vegan, oil free muffin with similar ingredients and taste.  Well, I did find a similar yummy-looking muffin recipe from the Vegan Richa blog, and made a few adjustments to get some of the "old" longed-for texture and taste in the recipe below.  See what you think! INGREDIENTS:  1 C.+ 2 T.  organic seedless Orange Juice and Pulp Peel from 1/2 organic Orange 4 T.  Chia Seeds 1/2 C. Sugar (I used organic brown sugar) 1/2 tsp. Vanilla (I didn't ...