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Understanding Deep Vein Thrombosis: Risk Factors, Signs, and Management

Recently I heard that a family member in her early 50s was being seen by a doctor for DVT and that she was hoping that there was a more natural way of dealing with it than the medications her doctor was prescribing. When I had digested this scrap of family ''information,'' I thought about my own lax position (denial, really) and how it would make sense for me to make some changes in my life while I still have some shreds of health and potential fitness. And, of course, I have inherited my mother's compulsive pop reading habit (in my case, the Internet mostly). So, I decided to research and write an article that would incorporate some preventative and alternative health principles into my life that might make DVT somewhat less likely to catch up with me than is likely the case now. I would also like to see our family member above and others benefit from these principles if they decide that they want to. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a critical health concern that af

Garlicky Guacamole

This quacamole is another one of my garlicky recipes.  You might want to adjust it a little to suit your tastes and circumstances! Combine together in a large bowl: 4 ripe chopped (or mashed)  Avocado 6 fresh-grated organic  Garlic  cloves 1/2 organic  Sweet Red Pepper , chopped fine 1 large ripe-ripe organic  Tomato , chopped 1/2 thumb-size organic  Ginger root piece , grated Celtic Sea Salt  or natural Dulce Flakes, to taste The power is in the  fresh grated garlic …. use as much as you like (or dare). If the person you are chatting with across the table is also eating this, neither of you will find the other offensive..hehehe. Tip for keeping the Guacamole Green …. slip a pit from one of the avocados in with the guacamole– remove at serving time. Goes great with dehydrated flax crackers or corn chips, etc. Eat in tandem with  Mango Salsa  and other luscious fruity summer dishes. To your living health! *image from pixabay Please note that I am an affiliate for many of the products an

Avocado-Chickpea Hummus (Mexican Influence) - Vegan - Gluten-Free

We are big fans of (1)Hummus (2)Avocado and (3)Mexican Vegan Fare.   Like everyone else on Pinterest, I came across the perfect foodie hybrid recipe for Avocado Hummus.  Then I discovered I didn't have any tahini (sesame butter) but I did have some tasty organic peanut butter.  And recalling our younger son's ecstatic tales of eating fresh, ripe, huge avocados right off the tree in Mexico, I thought, hmmm... let's give this new recipe a Mexican spin!   I did already have freshly-cooked chickpeas (that are ever so creamy and lovely) and I wish I had that Avocado Oil I saw at Costco, but I don't-- to make it even more Mexicali I could have made it from pinto beans.  I'm going to try that another time, but for the sake of getting this delicious recipe out there: INGREDIENTS: 2 C. or 1 (15 oz) can cooked Chickpeas /Garbanzo Beans, or Pinto Beans , well drained 2 medium ripe Avocados , flesh only 3 Tbsp Olive Oil, or even better, Avocado Oil , plus more

La Mousse Végétalien Habitude ('The Usual Vegan Mousse') (gluten-free)

I went into the pantry tonight and found a very over-ripe avocado.  What came to mind? Guacamole? Nope. Chocolate Mousse, of course.  Nothing makes a mousse like avocado.  Especially when you are vegan (all those eggs, you know) or lazy (all those eggs to be beaten up).   And since I'm trying to cut down on refined sugars, I used Stevia (just a packet of "SweetLeaf") and a few maple chips (little pieces of maple sugar) and a few cacao nibs (what are they? little pieces of hardened cacao I guess-- certainly not chocolate chips!)  So here is the easy recipe for the 2 puddings my husband and I enjoyed (and he gets to 'lick out the blender' as well-- without slicing his tongue on the blade I hope). (Serves 2, or maybe 1 person who stays up really late and discovers the avo that needs dealing with) 1 large-ish over-ripe Avocado 1 1/2 C. Coconut Dream (or other non-dairy milk) 1 T.   Organic Cocoa Powder or Raw Cacao Powder 1 tsp. Organic Vanilla Extract

Instead of Cheese....

--> Okay, I'll admit straight off that today I was craving a big old cheese sandwich (maybe grilled havarti with a dill pickle on the side).  Cheese is currently off-limits for us.  We might get a snip of it when we eat out, but that's about it.  Ed is particularly allergic to dairy, etc.  Anyhow, never one to pout (or not for long) I came up with this flavourful (as in ZING-BING-ZING-BANG) sandwich that satisfied all my salt and fat hankerings (because apparently that is what is behind a cheese crave) and is, I think, pretty healthy.  Here is what is in the above sandwich (and don't judge it by its colour until you taste it!): BREAD: Your favourite bread.   In the sandwich above I used a chia bread that is no longer available. AVOCADO:  Ripe, organic.  Open it up and scoop flesh into a small bowl. Mash. RAW GARLIC: to your taste-- I skin & blend about 20 heads of garlic and then freeze in a jar so just use about a 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of garlic. LEMON: Juice of