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Showing posts with the label garlic mashed potatoes

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Understanding Deep Vein Thrombosis: Risk Factors, Signs, and Management

Recently I heard that a family member in her early 50s was being seen by a doctor for DVT and that she was hoping that there was a more natural way of dealing with it than the medications her doctor was prescribing. When I had digested this scrap of family ''information,'' I thought about my own lax position (denial, really) and how it would make sense for me to make some changes in my life while I still have some shreds of health and potential fitness. And, of course, I have inherited my mother's compulsive pop reading habit (in my case, the Internet mostly). So, I decided to research and write an article that would incorporate some preventative and alternative health principles into my life that might make DVT somewhat less likely to catch up with me than is likely the case now. I would also like to see our family member above and others benefit from these principles if they decide that they want to. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a critical health concern that af

Low Fat Garlic Mashed Potatoes with Vegan Buttermilk

You probably think I'm obsessed with potato recipes... and maybe you would be right.  I love spuds.  I reallly love garlic mashed spuds. The potato has so much going for it and has been so misrepresented as a fattening, 'bad' junk food.  Wrong! The potato is root vegetable which means that it has great accessible amounts of starchy energy, and lots of other wonderful nutrients: Vitamin C, fibre and potassium, being three.  The scare about the potato being fattening comes from the way some potatoes are prepared (deep-fried) and/or the smotherings we sometimes introduce: dairy cream, sour cream, butter, cheese, bacon, even mayonnaise.  There are the sources of your "fattening".  Good News: Potatoes are delicious with much less fattening accompaniment, and much healthier if you kick the fat down and take out the cholesterol (animal products).  Much kinder to the animals and the planet. A 7-ounce serving of a side of these luscious garlicky potatoes is about