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Understanding Deep Vein Thrombosis: Risk Factors, Signs, and Management

Recently I heard that a family member in her early 50s was being seen by a doctor for DVT and that she was hoping that there was a more natural way of dealing with it than the medications her doctor was prescribing. When I had digested this scrap of family ''information,'' I thought about my own lax position (denial, really) and how it would make sense for me to make some changes in my life while I still have some shreds of health and potential fitness. And, of course, I have inherited my mother's compulsive pop reading habit (in my case, the Internet mostly). So, I decided to research and write an article that would incorporate some preventative and alternative health principles into my life that might make DVT somewhat less likely to catch up with me than is likely the case now. I would also like to see our family member above and others benefit from these principles if they decide that they want to. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a critical health concern that af

Vegan Grape Galette with Almond-Cashew Custard

This faceless grape pie is a big hit in our house. Everyone has seemingly waited for me to start making pies, and now, with my discovery the galette-- so easy and so satisfying-- we have been eating pies like I imagine normal pie-making people always have. Not every day, of course, but not depriving ourselves of the experience when the desire for pie hits.  We had a lot of grapes this year. And the birds didn't seem particularly interested. So, there was a harvest. I spent several days detaching grapes from their vines and freezing them in bags. We are set for smoothies and other frozen grape recipes . So, today I made the galette. Here is the recipe: THE PASTRY Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups organic all purpose flour 3 -5 tablespoons sugar 6-7  tablespoons solid coconut oil or vegan butter (salt-free) 1/4 cup ice water THE FILLING Ingredients: 1/4 cup sugar (plus 2 tablespoons) 1/2 cup cashew pieces or raw almonds (I used cashews as I had them on hand) 1 1/2 teaspoons almond extract o

Black Bean-Taco Hummus - Vegan- Dip or Spread

 My current favorite quick black bean-taco hummus made with organic black beans, taco spice, peanut butter, garlic, lemon juice, and salt. Delicious with corn chips, veggies or on crackers or bread.  This scrumptious hummus is Mexican-influenced. The taco spice by Clever Crow contains paprika, cumin, coriander, sea salt, black pepper, oregano, garlic, and chilies. It is gluten-free. To order go to their website at Clever Crow Farm. INGREDIENTS: 2 14-oz. cans of black beans, drained and rinsed 2 teaspoons Taco Spice 2 tablespoons peanut butter 2 minced garlic cloves Juice of 1 lemon or 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar 1 teaspoon sea salt Put all the above ingredients in a blender carafe and whirl until smooth.  Add in a little water or more lemon juice or cider vinegar to blend if needed. Store in a jar or dish with a lid in fridge. Enjoy as a dip with chips or vegetables, or as a spread on tortillas, buns, bread, crackers, pitas, or a homemade pizza.       WHAT IS LYCOPENE AND HOW CAN

How To Make Quinoa and Sun-Roasted Soy Curl Chickn in a Solar Oven

Salad and Tzatziki with Quinoa + Sun-Roasted Soy Curls It is hot and humid again today. The temperature is 30 degrees C. in the morning. Way too hot for us. I am sorry for complaining about the blue skies and sunshine when some of you read my woes about our long Winter and Spring with low temps and lots of rain (even some snow that stayed around). Is there any pleasing me? Well, a real blessing for us is to have this nifty American Sun Oven that harnesses the power of the Sun (immense power on a sunny day) for FREE! (Well, after you've paid for the oven-- you'd have to do the Math for that). Keeps your kitchen cool. Keeps the rest of the house cooler. Good for the environment. Excellent when you are off the grid on a fishing trip or on a research assignment or just like using your backyard for something besides the garden and the selfies with the flowers. And the food cooks just right, there is NO burning-- you might experience a little food dryness when you are getting used to

Gluten-free Plant-based Pancakes

  I'm back! Once during the last few weeks on a "raw vegan cleanse" I kept thinking about pancakes!  The following recipe is the result.  ** NOTE: Whisk together sweet and brown rice flours before starting recipe. So here is a great gluten-free banana pancake recipe that I tweaked until I liked it: Put the following  INGREDIENTS  in your blender: 1 Ripe Organic  Banana 1 T.  Vegetable Oil 1/2 tsp.  Celtic Sea Salt  (or to taste) 1 1/2 C. Nondairy  Milk  or other milk Pinch of  Nutmeg 1 T.  Cinnamon 2 T. Sugar or other sweetener  4 tsp.  Baking Powder . Easy Method for  Making Pancakes: Blend the above ingredients and then pour over: 1/2 C.  Sweet White Rice (gluten-free) Flour 1/2 C . Brown Rice (gluten-free) Flour Mix. Let sit for about 15 minutes. Pour about a 1/4 C. of batter into hot pan and flip when bubbles appear on all sides and elsewhere on panca

Day 4 of 10 Days of Christmas Crafts and GF Cookies

Joyeuse Noel!  Soon you will be able to say this-- in a variety of languages-- and really know that you are into the Christmas season. I said "Merry Christmas" to a woman upstairs at Step Above coffee shop today, and she said the same back, so maybe it's begun? If you have missed the previous 3 days of crafts / gifts made from various household items, you can check them out here:   Day 1      Day 2       Day 3      You will notice that we have built in some Gluten-Free Christmas Cookie Recipes as well!   ⁹ Ugly Christmas Sweaters At some point in the 80s or 90s there was a run on really cute Christmas sweaters.  People knit them as gifts and some people spent a lot of money to buy them in fancy stores.   Then the tide turned, and the sweaters were proclaimed "ugly" and ever after people wore these sweaters as some sort of indicator of how trendy they were.  Or something? Now I am happy to say that today's craft makes use of any ugly sweaters-- or perfectly n

10 Days of GF Christmas - Day 2

Nice to have you here to do a little craft with recycled materials that you likely have around you somewhere.  If you missed the craft from yesterday, you can   check it out HERE DECEMBER 12, 2021 .  A couple of years my husband and I met his cousins at Church.  They are from another city and have a "beach house" in our community.  Like my husband, they grew up in Evangelical Lutheran households-- GERMAN Evangelical Lutheran households.   It was the first day of Advent-- "the Coming of the King of Kings." The Pastor -- seemed like a priest to me-- in vestments, carrying the whole service by himself except for some help at Communion Time and the ladies crewing in the basement with coffee afterwards-- announced that the small fir tree in the Church yard that they had marked to be used this year as a Christmas tree, had been cut down and taken off.  Grinchy thieves.  Last night, apparently. So, today's craft has to do with  wood  in honour of the stolen tree.   Tre

10 Days of GF Christmas

These 10 Days of Christmas on Organic Granny's site are henceforth dedicated to readers who are making a valiant effort to celebrate the Season without consuming gluten!  I was thinking.  When folks are gluten-free during a holiday season, like Christmas, there seems to be an awful lot of time given over to baking and the like.  For the gluten-sensitive person, that might entail a lot of temptation and / or a lot of expensive ingredients used to sub in for something that might not necessarily smell or look or taste like the "usual" item.  Disappointment. So, why don't we just branch out here and do something else creative.  If you have kids you might want to involve them in the activity (no pressure-- you can also do it while they are at school or asleep), A few (maybe up to 10) ideas for crafts or gifts made from stuff you already have about-- old Christmas cards, scraps of wool, mismatched ornaments... we'll see as we go.  One craft a day with a reflection, and

Raw, Gluten-Free Nanaimo Bars

It is Christmas season, of course, so please forgive my divergence from strictly "healthy" fare... one could argue that I have used high anti- oxidants (raw cacao powder), enzyme-dense sweetening (raw honey), and organic extra virgin coconut oil (among all the other organic ingredients) and therefore, this is a healthy little morsel-- but we both know that that is stretching it a bit!  But it is DELICIOUS and I am guessing that it is healthier than the non-vegan version, and definitely there is no gluten in this recipe.  Scroll down for the history of the Nanaimo bar.  Enjoy, and Merry Christmas! I used a recipe for raw Nanaimo bars found at the (former) RawBC site, but I like raw honey better than agave, and I didn't have almonds, so used walnuts.  I soaked both the Macadamia nuts and the Walnuts.  The base layer is my least favourite, maybe because I am not particularly fond of Macadamia nuts?  If I were to do it over, I would use all almonds for the base, and I am conv

Smokey White Bean Spread

  This thick tasty smoky white bean spread  is just super for a light topping on a veggie burger, or as a sandwich filler. Just a half a cup (125 grams) will provide you with 10.7 grams of dietary fibre, 14.6 grams of protein, and 0 saturated fat and cholesterol. Makes a nice switch from Hummus!  To read how to cook beans from scratch go  HERE . Ingredients: 3 C. / 537 g.         cooked White Beans  1/2 C. / 70 g         Raw Sunflower Seeds  1 tsp.                    Smoked Paprika 1/2- 1 tsp.             Liquid Smoke 1/2 - 1 tsp.            Sea Salt 1 tsp .                     Apple Cider Vinegar 1 tsp.                     Dijon Mustard-Gluten Free     1/2 C.                   Water 1/2 C.                   Nutritional Yeast METHOD: Add everything (except Nutritional Yeast) to Food Processor and process until smooth Add in a little extra water if it is too thick, and blend up with the Nutitritional Yeast It's delicious right away, but even more delicious if you refrigerate it over

Yummy Garlic Soy Curls

 I finally tried soy curls!  They are not available to us locally-- and I do like to buy my groceries locally-- so I ended up ordering them .   I topped two pizzas and made 3 sandwiches for about $7.50 CAD using about $4.50 of Soy Curls product for the 2 pizzas and maybe $1 of soy curls for each sandwich.   They are a whole food and non-GMO.  I didn't count in the cost of other ingredients, but I don't see them as being too dear when considering they were a nutritious part of six meals.  They were easy to put together and delicious!  Pizza GARLIC SOY CURLS RECIPE Ingredients: (makes 2 cups) 4 ounces/ 1/2 8-oz. Bag Soy Curls 1 1/2 cups hot/boiling water 1 tablespoon/15 ml soya sauce 1 teaspoon/ 3.28 g garlic powder Extra virgin coconut oil 2 tablespoons/11  g  nutritional yeast Fine sea salt ............... From Chris Wark of #ChrisBeatCancer, his latest best selling book:  Order Here BEAT CANCER KITCHEN: Deliciously Simple Plant-based Anti-Cancer Recipes METHOD for making G

Pecan-Quinoa Burger, Vegan, Glutenfree

  C ombine the following and  bring to a boil in a stainless steel 'less water' type pot, put on lid and turn down to Lowest setting for about 5 minutes.  Remove from burner and let it cool (lid still on): 1 C organic  quinoa 2 C water Preheat oven to 350 F Combine and blend together in a food  processor the following  (coarse vs. paste): 1/2 C. w ater 1 C  pecans  –  1 T. ground chia seed 1/2 C wheat-free  Tamari  1/3 C melted c oconut oil or olive oil 1/4 C n utritional yeast flakes 2 tsp dried organic  basil 2 tsp dried organic  oregano 2 tsp organic  onion powder 2 tsp organic  garlic powder 1 tsp organic  ground sage 1 tsp organic  ground fennel Pour into quinoa; mix well.   Let mix  sit  until extra water is absorbed.   A little  oatmeal can be added if the batter  seems too thin. On a parchment-covered pan mound  burgers.  Shape with fingers.  They will  be crumbly but delicious.   Bake 15 minutes on each side.  This makes about 10-20 patties.  Freeze well. --   Happy m