Half Broke Horses: A True-Life Novel My rating: 5 of 5 stars I motored through this well-written, tell-it-like-it-was memoirs ("true novel") of Jeannette Walls' maternal grandmother. I am not quite sure why I picked it up, except that I was in a compulsive reading state (allergies, fed up with FB), since my experience reading the memoir of Walls' own childhood, "Glass Castle" was the sort where I felt triggered and zoned-out after reading it. Then I remembered how Walls had held her maternal grandmother up as the one safe and nurturing adult in her childhood. This was that story. When you purchase this book and 3+ other books from Thrift Books, you can get credit for another book FREE-- It's part of the #ShareBookLove program ! Click here to check this out -- the book deals are real! Lily Casey grew up on a Texas ranch in the early 1900s-- she was her father's 'right hand' in many ways, and helped him with breaking horses
Living the Green Life