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Understanding Deep Vein Thrombosis: Risk Factors, Signs, and Management

Recently I heard that a family member in her early 50s was being seen by a doctor for DVT and that she was hoping that there was a more natural way of dealing with it than the medications her doctor was prescribing. When I had digested this scrap of family ''information,'' I thought about my own lax position (denial, really) and how it would make sense for me to make some changes in my life while I still have some shreds of health and potential fitness. And, of course, I have inherited my mother's compulsive pop reading habit (in my case, the Internet mostly). So, I decided to research and write an article that would incorporate some preventative and alternative health principles into my life that might make DVT somewhat less likely to catch up with me than is likely the case now. I would also like to see our family member above and others benefit from these principles if they decide that they want to. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a critical health concern that af

20 Delicious, Wholesome, Vegan Apple Recipes


And there are the windfalls that need to be sorted before the bunnies gather to dine.

Apples, a popular fruit worldwide, are categorized in many ways from the sort of peel through whether they taste dry or wet, sweet or tart, their colors, their time of harvest, where they originated... and the list goes on. Some apples are wonderful for eating from the tree. Some apples are more memorable as perfect 'sauce apples' or 'cider apples,' meaning, quite frankly, that they are not tasty or crisp and crunchy or juicy enough to pass the high standards for an apple eaten out of hand.

The apples that are currently falling on the ground in my yard are called Yellow Transparents. They are from Russia and have a very thin, almost transparent, peel. Local friends describe them as great juice and/or sauce apples.

I bake with them, put them in smoothies, and have made soups and sauces with them. They taste and smell like apples to me, and that is the point... or, for me it is.

If you are interested in looking up your apple variety and finding out what recipes are deemed best for that particular type, go here to an article about 65 popular types of apples. If you have an abundant harvest and just want to try some new recipes, regardless of whether or not your apples pass the grade for being part of certain dishes or not, I welcome you!

The recipes below are grouped by type. The apple is so diverse-- you can consume it processed in many different forms: baked, fried, sauced, candied, jammed, jellied, chopped raw into a salad, eaten raw with a dip, frozen, canned, juiced, blenderized, dehydrated, in cakes, cinnamon buns, cobblers, crisps, cookies, dumplings, muffins, savory soups and stews, and, of course, apple pie! ((Thank you so much to my talented granddaughter Angelika for making all the name tag dividers))

The selection below attempts to provide proof of the dynamism of the apple:

When I was a little girl, my Grandma would bake apples when we visited. That was a favorite dessert. And they were pretty simple... MacIntosh apples with some butter and brown sugar under the little top hat. This stuffed baked apple looks like Nirvana. You can find the recipe over at Running on Real Food site.

I have clear memories of a lovely domestic time in my life when I made apple cake with chunks of apples and some of it even went into the freezer to be resurrected for guests later on. This recipe looks lovely. Check it out over at the  Loving It Vegan site.

 This wonderfully fragrant and tasty old-fashioned applesauce cake also includes a recipe for apple sauce, if you want to do it even more scratch. Go and find out all about this recipe at the Carrot Underground site.

These apple pie cinnamon rolls look amazing, don't they? The author suggests just baking them a tiny bit under totally-done. That way they are that tender, doughy kind of cinnamon bun that I recall from my childhood-- not the denser, dryer ones of today, slathered with sugary icing. But go ahead and bake them the way you like... don't forget the apples! You can find the recipe at UpBeet And Kaleing It Blog.

The original cobblers are apparently from the time of the British Americans when there was no suet (animal fat) available to make suet pudding, so they cobbled together a different sort of a pie-pudding using biscuits and fruit. This version of cobbler is gluten-free. In the picture, it is difficult to see that there is a biscuit dough rising up from under the apples, but it is truly delicious. Rice flour is the main grain in this recipe, but I'm pretty sure you could sub your usual fave GF flour instead. This GF Cobbler recipe is right HERE on the Organic Granny site.

If your major idea of using up apples involves lots of apple crisp--
here is the apple crisp recipe of your dreams-- by the famous Minimalist Baker.

This delectable apple hermit cookie is my absolute favorite cookie... and that's saying something! Apples, dates and walnuts are a threesome made in Heaven. .

Looking for a warm writers' community online where you can practice your craft and get the word out there about your life passions-- fitness, philanthropy, good food, you name it? Take a look at what Hubpages has to offer. Free to join. Tutorials, contests, forums, and great interaction with other writers, from young folks with no previous writing experience to authors with a lot of writing credits, writers from the International community, retired and working folks from every possible career background. Take a look around.

Lisa Paris gives us a sassy little recipe for a sweet healthy raw vegan apple dip in this video. You can watch it here or on You Tube.
Apple Dumpling, Darling?  My friend Jane and I used to meet at the Old Hudson's Bay Cafeteria in Vancouver many moons ago for the sole purpose of eating a rich apple dumpling with our cup of tea. This recipe replicates what I think went into the Bay's dumplings (except no lard or butter or eggs). Jane lives in Ireland. I imagine she has a dumpling occasionally for Old Time's Sake...haha. You can find this recipe for a vegan apple dumpling using the whole apple (except for the skin and core, silly), at Food Wishes. 
Doesn't get any simpler-- 3-ingredient Apple Jam

Apple Juice is one of North America's fave all-time fruit juices. And you can make it in its most delicious and healthy form at home, and without a bunch of add-on gadgets (although some of us really like those things). Go over to WikiHow and learn how to make this sweet liquid ambrosia.

There is NO MOM with this apple pie recipe, but it was the closest one to it... this is 
simple, honest, old-fashioned-tasting apple pie, but no dairy butter or other animal
 products, so vegan. You will find the straight goods recipe at All Recipes.

Apple Streusel Muffin
You and your German relatives know that there is nothing that says "love" quite like a streusel topping. Right?  Sweet. Crunchy. A little nutty. Vegan-buttery. Get this superlative Heartwarming Muffin recipe at the Short Girl Tall Order site.

Gluten Free Apple Cinnamon Muffin~ this muffin calls for oat and almond flours. And a topping of Bob's Red Mill Maple Sea Salt Granola-- mmm. Find the GF Muffin recipe over at Making Thyme for Health site (and the Granola link below).
 Buy Now at     

When we think of apple salad, I'm pretty sure some of us (mostly boomers I would guess) think of those dainty ice berg lettuce, 2 dates and a plop of diced apples and a walnut smothered under mayo. Well, this ain't your mother's Waldorf-- this is Kathy's-- look at that cornucopia of crudites and frolicking fruits! (oops... this is even a little over-the-top for moi). Wow-- don't you want this for your lunch? Kathy's Waldorf Salad is at Kathy's Vegan Kitchen.

This particular vegan vision of deliciousness is included here because it doubles as a salad recipe AND another great place to highlight BBQ soy curls! (If you haven't tried soy curls yet, you must!) The apple slaw recipe just sets my mouth to watering. I am sure you can imagine those tasty tangy, crunchy, munchy bites as well! You can find this Apple Slaw and BBQ soy curl sammie recipe at the Full Helping site.

Everybody loves a dish of really good apple sauce, yes? This vegan apple sauce recipe uses maple syrup, a great match with apples. It sounds like the kind that the baby has learned to pound the high chair table to have served-- a classic. Apple sauce has a lot of different capabilities in cuisine-- it can even replace the fats a recipe might call for! Simple and elegant, and oh so yummy. Go to the Carrot Underground site and see what you think!

Apparently the British brought back Mulligatawny soup from India during the British Raj period. So, it's an Anglo-Indian soup, a mix of taste and spicy scent from both cultures. You can find this vegan black bean version at the Whirled Soup site. I think an added piece of naan bread would be spot on, what?

Quite often when we think of cooking with apples, we think of all the dessert recipes above, and miss the delightful savory and quirky dishes. The wonderful apple-cabbage recipe is apparently part of an action, role-playing video game called Skryim. This delicious, hearty vegan stew recipe is certainly worth a try! Souse it out at 


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Understanding Deep Vein Thrombosis: Risk Factors, Signs, and Management

Recently I heard that a family member in her early 50s was being seen by a doctor for DVT and that she was hoping that there was a more natural way of dealing with it than the medications her doctor was prescribing. When I had digested this scrap of family ''information,'' I thought about my own lax position (denial, really) and how it would make sense for me to make some changes in my life while I still have some shreds of health and potential fitness. And, of course, I have inherited my mother's compulsive pop reading habit (in my case, the Internet mostly). So, I decided to research and write an article that would incorporate some preventative and alternative health principles into my life that might make DVT somewhat less likely to catch up with me than is likely the case now. I would also like to see our family member above and others benefit from these principles if they decide that they want to. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a critical health concern that af