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Falling Away from All that Extra Garden Work...

Eileen over at her blog Organic Gardening for the Clueless has discovered that leaving the leaves in the garden and the dead heads to bob in the wind is actually not so clueless ... it's good environmental science. The leaves turn to compost, the odd seed heads provide winter munchies for the birds.  And, now, WILD BEES are also benefited by my messy yard! Turns out that winter is the prime season for the lazy gardener... I personally wonder how I can convince my neighbors of this in my pretty pristine retirement ghetto? (I do care what my neighbors think, alas). The Bee Friendly Garden @ Bee Garden Colouring Book

Organic Gardening And Its Many Benefits

As people have began to realize environmental problems and global warming better, they have changed their negative thinking towards the environment into something which can be beneficial for the environment and for them. One such process that people have adopted to reduce environmental devastation is green gardening practices. For numerous humans, gardening is an important part of their lives either for making a living out of the crops or just for leisure purpose. Nowadays, as people have started to make their move towards sustainability and green living, organic gardening has become very famous. Before, humans had to rely on Northern Kentucky pest control and Cincinnati pest control for their herbicide needs and to keep their backyard free from insects. Additionally, with green gardening, people can be certain they can take care of the insects and infestation with natural methods. There are many tips available that can make organic gardening procedures easier and there are num

Organic Garden Dream Board

This feed on organic gardening should keep me in sweet dreams all winter until it's time to put in the seedlings here on Vancouver Island in the Spring... What to plant in November 2009 by Aussie Organic Gardening Spring weather has been quite erratic across Australia, and planting will have to be adjusted to suit local microclimates rather than a general climate zone. As the best phase to sow corn in November is from the 26th this year, ... Aussie Organic Gardening -