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Instant Pot and Aquafaba, Two of My Recent Pleasure Journeys....

I haven't posted for a while so this post will be a bit of a catch-up.   The Dessert Table at our Neighbourhood ECLIPSE PARTY on Monday August 21st.                                                         Note the 3-legged guest in shorts... I think this eclipsed the Eclipse (non-Totality) for our neighbourhood. We had a long visit with our charming granddaughters this summer-- almost a month!   They are home again and waiting to go to school and start all those Fall activities that kids look forward to. Yanks ago (maybe 5 or 6 years ago) I purchased an electric pressure cooker called an Instant Pot.  Well, I have used it a few times, but not with the results I envisioned, and it lived for a long time in a back room off the pantry.  By and by, I had read enough stories about the amazing things that people have been cooking at the speed of love, mostly through Jill McKeever's facebook page Plant-Based Lifestyle Support   , and I actually took the time from there to read a

Good Summer Morning Chia Pudding

Here is a fast and easy Chia Pudding that is perfect for breakfast (or as dessert, etc etc etc).  Chia pudd fans will know what I mean...  .                               . The Recipe is pretty simple.  You can vary it as you like, but this combination is a winner at our home and I think we will continue to use this as a standard for a simple breakfast pudding. I start by gathering together the ingredients and a wide-mouth Mason Jar with a lid. The ingredients are: 1/4 C. Chia Seed 1/4 C . Liquid Honey (or other sweetener of choice) 1/2 tspn. Vanilla Extract 2 C. Soy Milk (or other non-dairy milk) Strawberries and Blueberries (or other fruit/berry combinations ) as you like            THE METHOD Put all the above ingredients (in order) into a quart-size Mason Jar Whisk ingredients together until thoroughly mixed, paying attention to bottom sticky seeds

Non-Churn Vegan Mango Black 'n' Blue Berry Ice Cream, Dairy-Free, Soy-Free, Gluten-Free

W ell, it is hot summer and my grandies are coming to stay for a while!!  Is there any better excuse to make ice cream?  I will make a lot of ice cream.  It will be vegan (no dairy, no eggs, no other animal products- ha) and gluten-free.  It will contain something out of our garden.  It will be sweet but low on common sugars, sugar-less if possible.  It will be relatively low-fat meaning that I won't be using nut purees as the primary base and will likely opt out of using full-fat coconut milk, yummy as it is.  Most of all, it must be creamy and absolutely delicious.... here is the first attempt at the above. INGREDIENTS 2 1/2 C. Almond or other non-Dairy Milk 2 1/2 C. Frozen Mango Chunks (I buy the organic brand at Costco) 1 T. Arrowroot Powder (or Tapioca Starch or Oat Starch) 1 T. Vanilla (in Alcohol) 2 T. Maple Syrup 1 very ripe avocado Berry syrup or Jam, your choice (I used blackberry jam made with stevia) METHOD Combine all ingredients EXCEPT THE JAM/SYR

Mother's Day Tribute from Alyza to her Mother...

or watch on Youtube   My Mom She has a large shaped heart  in a pint sized body. She has a warm smile on a cold day. She is a hard worker with soft hands. She laughs at my jokes and  cries when I'm hurt. She's tattooed in my heart and  in my thoughts forever. I love my mom. ©Alyza2017 Purchase at Amazon