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Roasted Beets with Raw Walnut Cream Cheese (Vegan, Gluten-Free)

Root veggies, like carrots, potatoes, onions and beets have a high profile in Canadian winter meals.  Not only were they easily stored for most of the cold season, but they are also hearty and lend themselves to a great sense of satiety.  Today's recipe for roasted beets and raw walnut cream is an adaptation from the cookbook called Whole Foods To Thrive by one of British Columbia's stellar athletes who eats "high raw", Brendan Brazier.  My husband is a fan of Brendan's, and also really enjoyed this meal. INGREDIENTS: (To feed 4) 4 Beets Method : Preheat oven to 450F/232C.  Wash up the beets (scrub if necessary) and wrap in aluminum foil.  Roast in the oven for about 30-45 minutes.  Remove from the oven and allow to cool.  When they are cool to touch, peel off the skins and slice into strips (as I did), or cube. FOR THE RAW WALNUT CHEESE: 1/2 C. Shelled Raw Walnuts Juice from 1/2 Lemon, or from 1 Lime (which I used) Zest from fruit (optional) 1-2 Clov

Nostalgic Songs for Parents Whose Kids Are Growing Up

This is the bitter-sweet time of the year when parents are sending their kids back to school ... or when kids have made the actual flight from the nest.  Sweet for some parents who are overwhelmed with responsibilities and jobs and who are happy to see the kids "safely" back in school... but bitter when parents are not ready to release their quickly maturing child to a non-familial environment, like a school, a college, a work place, a move far away from home for whatever reason. These are some of the schmaltziest, most gratuitously sentimental songs ever recorded.  They exploit the tenderness that a parent (or grandparent) has for a child, the fears they have for their loss, and subconsciously, hark right back to a time when the listener was negotiating his/her own passage to independence from her/his family of origin. Some of this music will sound downright cornball, but you will likely catch a phrase that will touch you heart, and you will generally begin tearing u

The Blessing of the Fig Tree

In our yard we have a little green fig tree that has launched into an abundance of fruit-bearing over the recent past.  In its initial 8 or 9 years, it languished.  Its little buddy expired fairly early on (not unusual for fruit trees in our front yard soil, which could be described as a gravel bed with a slim overlay of topsoil. An idea of how many figs this tree is putting out-- every branch is laden like this with a couple of crops. And a shot of some of the 'baby' figs that will form the second crop later in the summer/early Fall. The same fig tree just four years ago-- barely hanging on, and only producing a few figs that year. We have fertilized/amended the soil around its roots with lime and rock phosphate.  Those mineral nutrients have made a huge difference. Here my d.h. is demonstrating that the tree is about 6' in breadth, not that the big one got away. What do you do with your harvest of figs?  I would appreciate some more ideas. Comment below

A Sunday Outing to the Cumberland Farmer's Market and a Seaside Edible Walk,

It could have been another day lounging around with the tablet on Facebook... but, twigged by something someone said (or inferred) about how lazy I am, I suggested to dear hubby that we might check out the new-ish Cumberland Farmer's Market .  It is open from 11am on Sundays throughout the summer.  Off we went. These gorgeous hydrangeas greeted us at the entrance to Village Square Park where the Cumberland Farmers' Market is located. I personally have never seen this sort of hydrangea before.  Have you?  It was gorgeous... The Cumberland Farmers Market at the Village Square Park, Dunsmuir Rd., Cumberland BC Sundays 11AM-2PM This is really a pretty little Farmers' Market -- it's new-ish (just opened this year) so really doesn't seem to have caught on yet.  The bonus is that it is a little less cheek-to-jowl with people and vendors, for those who prefer a bit of a stroll and a chat vs. a push and a shove and jostle for the coin.  The Market operates 11AM-2

Spiralizing: Oodles and Oodles of Zoodles and Noodles

Okay, who has a spiralizer sitting in the bottom of their cupboard?  Is that because you don't like eating yummy zucchini spaghetti? No?  Is it because there were no instructions with your spiralizer and you ended up frustrated and maybe even with a ripped open thumb?  Oy.  So much for all those wonderful intentions to increase your daily dose of veg! Let us rectify that situation by watching this very helpful video seminar on spiralizing zoodles: I recommend:   Paderno World Cuisine A4982799 Tri-Blade Vegetable Spiral Slicer Now, let's quickly review some of the pointers the demo made: Set the Spiralizer up on a clean, flat surface and position at large bowl behind the blade insert (to catch the noodles) Cut off the end of the zucchini (or other veg) and attach the cut end, center, to the little metal spool.   Slide the disk with the prickles right up against the other end of the veg (or zucchini) and make sure there is a nice firm fit, nothing is slipping

Seedy Sunday Edmonton, Alberta 2016

This Sunday, March 20, 2016, my husband and I attended the Seedy Sunday event in Edmonton, Alberta , the city where our son and family live, and where we are visiting while the grandchildren are on their Spring breaks. I feel so blessed since this is my second opportunity to attend a Seedy Sunday this year, actually, this March!!   If you look back to the previous blog post, you will see that I posted about going to the Seedy Sunday on March 6th at Nanaimo, Vancouver Island.  What is really fun is introducing my daughter-in-law to the Seedy Sunday concept.  She has done a masterful job of gardening in her backyard to the point that her freezer is full of produce through the entire winter.  How many people can say that about their urban kitchen garden?  She really enjoyed herself and came home with some new ideas. We attended a couple of the lectures: the last half of the Food Security panel (with encouragement to not only focus on Food Security, but to also encourage schools

SEEDY SUNDAY 2016 in Nanaimo, BC

This weekend, on Sunday, my husband, Zoe dog and I drove down Island to Nanaimo for the annual Seedy Sunday. Seedy Sunday (or Seedy Saturday) is a gathering of gardeners, local small seed companies and nurseries, in a low-cost local venue where they can learn from one another, exchange ideas and seeds and plants in a comfortable, social setting-- a 'fair' would be another way to describe it.  Nanaimo is located midway up (down) Vancouver Island.  The first Seedy Saturday happened on Vancouver Island 23 years ago, in Victoria.  There are now over 140 Seedy Saturdays/Sundays across Canada. You can find out more about Canadian Seedy Saturday and Sunday schedules by going HERE .  I am happy to see that we will be able to attend another Seedy Sunday this year when we visit our kids and grandkids in Edmonton. Carolyn Herriot was one of this year's Seedy Sunday's speakers.  She has authored The Zero Mile Diet: A Year-Round Guide To Growing Organic Food