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Greek Salad with Tofu

  This Greek Salad is a refreshing whole food, plant-based recipe that involves marinated tofu chunks in place of the usual feta.   Start by marinating the tofu and vegetables in a herbal dressing for 4- 6 hours or overnight.   Herbal Marinade : 1/4 cup fresh pineapple chunks 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice 1/4 cup walnut pieces 1 or more sprigs/leaves of the following herbs if available:Fresh oregano leaves, lemon balm or basil, thyme, green onion, and parsley,  2+ garlic cloves, finely chopped 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar (optional) 1/3 cup of water Salt and pepper to taste **Blend until creamy smooth.  Chill.**                      Herbs for Marinade Salad ingredients :   Block of extra firm Tofu, pressed, cubed 3 ripe tomatoes, cut in wedges, or 20 cherry tomatoes  halved 1/2 nice red onion, sliced and chopped 1 cup black olives, pitted 3 cucumbers, chopped **Marinate tofu and vegetables for 4 to 6 hours in fridge (or overnight). Lightly toss before serving.** Great with delicious

Cranberry-carob Chip Energy Balls

  These little cranberry-carob chip energy balls are so tasty that you forgive yourself for their NOT being  entirely  raw vegan (the raw honey, the carob chips, the sweetened dried cranberries).  I put them together for a church function instead of the "squares" that I was requested to bring.  I'm just not a squares person.  I'm into round.  If you saw me, you'd agree that I am really into round lol. DRY INGREDIENTS: *1 C. Carob Chips *1 C. shredded Coconut ground into powder in a coffee grinder or high-speed blender *1 C. Oatmeal ground into powder in a coffee grinder or high-speed blender *1 C. Oatmeal, left whole *1/2 C. Sunflower Seeds *1/4 C. Pumpkin Seeds *1/4 C shredded Coconut *2 T. Flax seeds, ground into powder in a coffee grinder *1/4 C. Raisins *1/2 C. sweetened dried Cranberries *2 tsp. Cinnamon *1 tsp. Sea Salt WET INGREDIENTS: *1/4 C. Raw Honey plus 2 T. *6-10 pitted raw Dates *1/4 C. Coconut Oil *1/2 C. Water *2 T. Almond Butter DIRECTIONS: *Leave

Bucky Raw-nola Recipe

  This was our son's first foray into creating a densely-nutritious, sweet and crunchy delicious raw (dehydrated) granola.   Soak the following individually in water to cover: 2 C. Buckwheat groats 1 C. Sunflower Seeds 1 C. Thompsons Raisins 1/2 C. Pumpkin Seeds Soak overnight, drain, and rinse and soak for another 8 hours, except for the raisins.  Drain and rinse the raisins and dehydrate for 8 hours at 105 degrees F.  Add the buckwheat and the seeds to the raisins and dehydrate for about 8-12 hours at 105 degrees. Add the following: 1/2 C. Dehulled Hempseed 1/2 C. organic unsweetened shredded Coconut 1 tsp. organic Cinnamon The sprouting and the dehydrating both add to the natural sweetness of the granola so no extra sweeteners need to be used If you enjoyed this buckwheat recipe, you might also like one of the following buckwheat recipes: Buckwheat Crispies  GF Cookie Crumb Brownies, Gluten-Free Strawberry Crispies, GF Cereal Quick Buckwheat-Oat Cookies , GF To your living heal

Cosmic Chocolate Chip Bliss Balls

(Back in the day Hipper-Me wrote:)We’re going for an after-church picnic at Tofino Beach (west coast of Vancouver Island– bring your surf board Baby) and I’ve got the Bliss Balls dehydrating away even as I type this… I have made them before and they are a huge hit… they pack a lot of power and are the perfect on-the-go snack for hikers, picnickers, etc. The recipe is from Sunflower Lord’s ebook Comfortably Raw: Chocolate.  Also worth noting is that this blissful little confection can be made entirely gluten-free... just make sure that your oats, in particular, are gluten-free. Enjoy! Ingredients for BLISS BALLS: For the Chocolate Chunks: 1/4 Cup plus 1 T.  Raw Cacoa Powder 1/4 Cup plus 1 T.  Carob Powder 1/4 Cup plus 3 T.  Agave (or Raw Honey) 1 T.  Coconut Oil Dry Ingredients: 1 Cup  shredded Coconut  ground into powder in coffee grinder or high speed blender 1 Cup  Oatmeal ground into powder  in coffee grinder or high speeder blender 1 Cup  Oatmeal, left whole 1/2 Cup  Sunflower S