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3-Tomato Fresh Salsa Recipe

This luscious fresh tomato salsa recipe is not only tasty, healthy, and easy to make, but if you have a ton of yellow cherry tomatoes, like I do, you have another great recipe to use them in.   U se whatever tomatoes you have around-- or check out the colorful bounty of different kinds at your Farmers' Market.   The following delightful recipe-- sometimes called Pico de Gaĺlo-- is fast to bring together for a side with a family dinner or barbecue, or as a pretty impressive addition to a summer potluck or picnic.  It's adapted from  Moosewood Restaurant's New Classics:350 Recipes for Homestyle Favorites and Everyday Feasts Combine the following in a bowl and mix together: *1 C. chopped red  Tomatoes *1 C. chopped  Yellow Tomatoes *1 C.  fresh Tomatillos , husked and chopped fine (or Green Tomatoes if no Tomatillos are available) *2 T. chopped, fresh  Cilantro *4 tsp.  Olive Oil *2 T. fresh  Lemon Juice *1 fresh  Green Chili , seeds removed and discarded, minced *2  Garlic  c

Lemon-Tahini Salad Dressing

We had a wonderful zesty lemon-tahini dip with a veggie wrap served in a local eatery.  This is my facsimile:   Blend together:  1/2 cup fresh lemon juice  1/3 cup apple cider vinegar (raw)  5 Medjool dates, pitted  1/2 teaspoon ginger powder  2 tablespoons Miso (or 1/2 tsp. salt)  1/3 cup raw tahini  1/2 to 1 cup cold filtered water (to the thickness you like)   Use as a dip for wraps, chips, or crudites, or a salad dressing as above.

Meeting Meg

You know how young children can announce after playing with a random kid fot five minutes at the playground that they have a "new friend"? Today my husband and I had a discussion about having a walk somewhere.  We settled on going to the pier/marina in Comox.  While today was sunny and still relatively hot  it was also hazy with the miasma from the wildfires in the Okanagan and elsewhere.  The smoke and mackerel clouds took.the edge off the sun's persistent burning pounding of the past several days.   So, after wedging our car into the last of the parking spaces near the kiddie playground, we headed over to the pier.   As we walked alongside the chain link fence bordering the road that eventually forms a 4-way stop, we see a lone dog walking at a brisk pace towards us.  She had a sweet Border Collie face, but registered no interest in our concerned inquiries as to where her person  was etc.  Indeed, she trotted purposefully through the small opening between us and continu

2-Ingredient Apple Butter

I am very grateful to have a bounty of berries and other fruit to store away for winter meals. I must admit that these apples (above) are not a big thrill. They mature early-- in the July heatwave-- and are a fave with the tent-butterflies, wasps, bunnies, deer and crows. I also hear they attract bears. The fruit goes punky on the tree and falls off.  BUT if I take them in and process them (as in juice for breakfast, apple chunks in freezer bags and canned apple butter) we surely enjoy the results and soon overlook the minor hardships.   This recipe for apple butter is tasty and healthy-- I didn't add any sweetener just 3 teaspoons of cinnamon and a 1/2 teaspoon of ginger powder. Use it in oatmeal, vegan yogurt, on muffins, toast and bagels. Yummy and smooth as silk.   Ingredients :   Apples (however many you need to fill your crockpot or Instant Pot.  I filled a pint-sized mason jar (2 cups) and had enough for a small fridge storage bowl and some sample butter for the yogurt