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If You Got a Cancer Diagnosis, What Would You Do?

A cancer diagnosis can be a little too much to swallow at the moment it is delivered. So, you go to the doctor to get something like a mole checked out-- you think maybe you will have it frozen off, like your friend Bea suggested.  The next minute you hear:  “Hmm... this doesn't look good.  I'd like to schedule an appointment for a biopsy.” And next, your well-intentioned doctor begins blasting you with descriptions of treatments and protocols (whatever protocols are?) that you must listen carefully to, and do right away.  Your head feels like it might explode. How you proceed can mean the difference between life and death... Chris Wark understands this all too well. In December 2003 (just two days before Christmas!), when he was just 26 years old, he was diagnosed with advanced cancer. It was definitely NOT the Christmas present Chris was expecting, and he was immediately rushed into the cancer treatment system, but a decision he made a few weeks later changed

Instant Pot and Aquafaba, Two of My Recent Pleasure Journeys....

I haven't posted for a while so this post will be a bit of a catch-up.   The Dessert Table at our Neighbourhood ECLIPSE PARTY on Monday August 21st.                                                         Note the 3-legged guest in shorts... I think this eclipsed the Eclipse (non-Totality) for our neighbourhood. We had a long visit with our charming granddaughters this summer-- almost a month!   They are home again and waiting to go to school and start all those Fall activities that kids look forward to. Yanks ago (maybe 5 or 6 years ago) I purchased an electric pressure cooker called an Instant Pot.  Well, I have used it a few times, but not with the results I envisioned, and it lived for a long time in a back room off the pantry.  By and by, I had read enough stories about the amazing things that people have been cooking at the speed of love, mostly through Jill McKeever's facebook page Plant-Based Lifestyle Support   , and I actually took the time from there to read a

Good Summer Morning Chia Pudding

Here is a fast and easy Chia Pudding that is perfect for breakfast (or as dessert, etc etc etc).  Chia pudd fans will know what I mean...  .                               . The Recipe is pretty simple.  You can vary it as you like, but this combination is a winner at our home and I think we will continue to use this as a standard for a simple breakfast pudding. I start by gathering together the ingredients and a wide-mouth Mason Jar with a lid. The ingredients are: 1/4 C. Chia Seed 1/4 C . Liquid Honey (or other sweetener of choice) 1/2 tspn. Vanilla Extract 2 C. Soy Milk (or other non-dairy milk) Strawberries and Blueberries (or other fruit/berry combinations ) as you like            THE METHOD Put all the above ingredients (in order) into a quart-size Mason Jar Whisk ingredients together until thoroughly mixed, paying attention to bottom sticky seeds

Non-Churn Vegan Mango Black 'n' Blue Berry Ice Cream, Dairy-Free, Soy-Free, Gluten-Free

W ell, it is hot summer and my grandies are coming to stay for a while!!  Is there any better excuse to make ice cream?  I will make a lot of ice cream.  It will be vegan (no dairy, no eggs, no other animal products- ha) and gluten-free.  It will contain something out of our garden.  It will be sweet but low on common sugars, sugar-less if possible.  It will be relatively low-fat meaning that I won't be using nut purees as the primary base and will likely opt out of using full-fat coconut milk, yummy as it is.  Most of all, it must be creamy and absolutely delicious.... here is the first attempt at the above. INGREDIENTS 2 1/2 C. Almond or other non-Dairy Milk 2 1/2 C. Frozen Mango Chunks (I buy the organic brand at Costco) 1 T. Arrowroot Powder (or Tapioca Starch or Oat Starch) 1 T. Vanilla (in Alcohol) 2 T. Maple Syrup 1 very ripe avocado Berry syrup or Jam, your choice (I used blackberry jam made with stevia) METHOD Combine all ingredients EXCEPT THE JAM/SYR

Mother's Day Tribute from Alyza to her Mother...

or watch on Youtube   My Mom She has a large shaped heart  in a pint sized body. She has a warm smile on a cold day. She is a hard worker with soft hands. She laughs at my jokes and  cries when I'm hurt. She's tattooed in my heart and  in my thoughts forever. I love my mom. ©Alyza2017 Purchase at Amazon

Cranberry-Orange-Chia Muffin Recipe, Vegan, Whole Food, Delicious!

Cranberry-Orange-Chia Muffin Recipe Back in the day when people arrived at your door with baked muffins (does that happen any more?) I remember replicating a delectable recipe for orange-date muffins that involved cutting up a whole orange-- skin and all-- and putting it in my blender with those dates that came in hard little blocks from the Co-op, and of course, sugar, eggs, raisins, and oil and probably milk. I got a craving for that fruity, yummy muffin.  I wondered if such a recipe existed for a vegan, oil free muffin with similar ingredients and taste.  Well, I did find a similar yummy-looking muffin recipe from the Vegan Richa blog, and made a few adjustments to get some of the "old" longed-for texture and taste in the recipe below.  See what you think! INGREDIENTS:  1 C.+ 2 T.  organic seedless Orange Juice and Pulp Peel from 1/2 organic Orange 4 T.  Chia Seeds 1/2 C. Sugar (I used organic brown sugar) 1/2 tsp. Vanilla (I didn't have Vanilla, b

Yummy Chocolate-Avocado-Chia-Banana Pudding Parfait (Vegan, Whole Food, Plant-Based)

Chocolate-Avocado-Chia-Banana Pudding Parfait Spent some time in the garden prepping the soil for planting and needed a bit of a treat for the hard dirty work (ha) so decided to try this lovely chocolate chia pudding recipe.  Then, to amp it up a little for people who love banana cream-chocolate parfait or pie, I decided to add a few layers of really ripe banana.  Hope you like it as much as I do! Makes about 4 Parfaits INGREDIENTS: 4 T. Chia Seeds 1 C. Almond Milk (or other non-dairy milk of choice) Flesh of 2 Ripe Avocados 4 T. Organic Cocoa Powder (or Raw Cacao Powder) 4-6 T. Maple Syrup 1/8 tsp. Cinnamon 1 Ripe Organic Banana METHOD: Assemble ingredients and measure out in advance (or, if less OCD than I, skip this step) Stir chia seeds and almond milk together in the canister of your blender. Let sit 20 minutes. Add other ingredients (except the Banana) and blend until silky smooth Layer Banana and chocolate-chia pudding and garnish with fruit, nuts, or